New Invoicing - Show quantity in Item drop down
You've finally forced us into the new invoicing. Lots of promises were made to fix what was broken with it. Unfortunately these promises are just as broken as the new invoicing. Here's what needs fixed:
When a new invoice comes up automatically set the focus to the name field so it's ready to receive data. Have to click on it.
Fix the date field. If I use the down arrow key it opens up the date widget But then using the left and right arrow keys should move the date off of the current date to either tomorrow or yesterday. That is not what is happening. Instead it starts at some beginning of the month date and I have to navigate the whole month just to get to yesterday. Why is this so hard?
Allow me to enter a payment right on the approved invoice page instead of having to open up another window. Currently that payment window is bare bones. Date widget isn't nearly as functional as even the broken one on the invoice page. Account drop down isn't as functional as the account drop down on the invoice page. Them require mouse clicks just to get things done. Can't navigate this thing with the keyboard. If the approved invoice had a place just to enter a new payment like the old one you'd be miles ahead. Why was this not done?
On the item drop down in the invoice page please show quantities. This would be a huge improvement even over the old invoicing.

Thanks for your feedback, Randall. I want to assure you we're still working on features and improvements within new invoicing.
In order for others in community to know what they're voting for and help our product teams get understanding of the specific changes our customers would like to see it's best that these are tracked separately on product ideas site. There are existing ideas for some of the points you've raised here.
Relating to your point on the date field - I'd recommend connecting with our specialists to confirm the behaviour that you're getting and the specific date field this is related to. Once you press enter or space after opening the calendar widget you should be able to use your keyboard arrow keys to navigate the calendar.
I'll update the title of your idea here to reflect your last point on being able to view quantity from the Item drop down as it doesn't look like we have one for this atm.
If any movement is made for any of these we will share a public status update on the respective idea.