303 results found
New Invoicing - Show Branding theme on an approved invoice
With the new invoicing the branding theme is not available which is an important feature for us since for different clients we had different branding theme. Can this be added to the new invoicing system? Please refer to the attached. We cannot switch to this new invoicing if branding them is not added and it seems in September we will not have a choice. Clicking on edit invoice is not a solution. This info was available with the old system without clicking edit invoice
68 votesUnderstand the sentiment and urgency in wanting this feature available. We've just released an update so now you can view the branding of an invoice when viewing. This is visible on invoices with Awaiting Payment and Paid status 🙂
Thanks for your feedback and staying across the progress with us here.
Financial Settings - Shorten financial year
Ability to shorten a financial year end on Xero without messing up reporting.
E.g. when a company's financial year end is shortened from 30 June to 31 December so there is a 6 month transition period needed.45 votesSorry we've not updated on this idea sooner.
We've now added the ability for you to create a short transition period (between 1 - 12 months long) when changing the Financial Year End date within your organisations Financial Settings.
To confirm the work in this space - Aligning with the UK basis period reforms we've made a change to Financial settings in Xero, so you can add start and end dates to different periods.
This change impacts multiple areas of Xero;
- Fixed assets will draw on this information, to prevent any loss of historic information when your year end changes. Everything will automatically be calculated for you based on the period start and end dates you set in Financial Settings.
- The same story will apply in Reporting. All historic reports will be protected. And you’ll have accurate comparison periods even across varied financial years.
- In Xero Tax, you’ll…
New invoicing - Display the item code
Display the item PRODUCT CODE (similar to the old invoicing) - we have a lot of similarly named products, so need to see the product code to differentiate.
103 votesQuick turn around on this one, team. Today we've released a change, and you'll now find item code is shown when viewing an invoice with new invoicing. Thank you for your feedback and voting on this idea.
Invoicing - Add the 'unicorn' Easter egg to New Invoicing
On the classic invoicing, you could type 'I want to see a unicorn!' and this would appear across your screen for a brief moment however the classic invoicing is retiring soon so is it possible to add this also to the new Xero invoicing as well?
30 votesIt's really nice to see more light hearted ideas like this come through community from time to time. For anyone that was around when we first introduced the unicorn in classic invoicing there is probably some sentiment tied to seeing this inherited in new invoicing, too!
I'm happy to share that we have re-introduced the unicorn in new invoicing 🦄
Now, if you type 'unicorn!' in the Description field and tab or click across to the next field you'll see how we've added this little easter egg back into the mix. We hope to bring a smile back into your day as you're working in Xero 😁
Ability to mark multiple invoices as paid at the same time. Bulk Payments on invoices.
We often get cheques or direct deposits from companies that are covering 5-10 different invoices. CSV functionality would be overkill for what I need.
Right now I have to go into each invoice and mark them all separately as paid, and put a note that cites the total deposit amount so that we can keep track of the bank transactions.
On the customer's invoice page, I would like to be able to click a checkbox button for the invoices that are included on the cheque, and mark them as paid under one transaction.
With this check box functionality, you could…
2 votesHi team, it sounds like batch deposits would meet your needs here. From the Awaiting payments list view you could select up to 50 invoices to batch together as one payment. When the cheque or deposit appears in your account you could then just select the one transaction to reconcile.
While you can only batch 50 invoices at a time, you may like to add your vote and support on this idea, Peter. It's not something we have in planned development atm but if there's any change we'll update you all there.
Reconciliation - Manually mark as reconciled multiple items at a time
There are some cases where banks do not have feeds available and the items posted as received or paid from these banks must be reconciled on an individual basis which takes a lot of time!
We need a reconcile all or a tick box system down the left hand side to be speed this reconciliation process up. I have many clients with these manual banks and it's extremely time consuming marking everything individually as reconciled.15 votesHi team, this is already possible. However you'll need to enable the mark as reconciled option on the Account Transactions tab of the bank account. If you click on the '?' icon in the top right of the blue banner you'll see an option to switch this on. Once turned on you can check the lines you need and select the More option where you'll be able to bulk Mark as Reconciled or Unreconciled. 😊
Xero Me - split accounts on expense
Can we have added the ability to split an expense new claim over more than one account from within Xero me, or at least be able to edit this from within Xero once claimed submitted.
19 votesHi team, sorry we've not updated you here sooner. You'll find you can itemise expense claims using the Xero Me app on Android and iOS.
You'll find this option at the top of the screen;
- On Android this looks like an arrow that splits
- On iOS there is the word 'Itemise' followed by an arrow that splits
When you click this option you should see the ability to add multiple items to a single claim where you can set the Account and Tax rate for each item within the claim.
Thanks for sharing on this with us, and contributing to ideas in the forums here.
Changing subtitles on reports when changing the year end
Changing subtitles on reports when changing the year end.
When shortening the year end, eg with Basis Reform periods, the year end is showing incorrectly as 'year end and the original year end date' rather than period end and the new year end date. It would be great to have the flexibility to amend subtitle dates within reports so that the accounts can be produced straight from Xero.5 votesHi team, sorry we haven't caught the idea here sooner. Listening to feedback we know the sub heading was a bit of a confusion point for organisation's with a longer or shorter FY.
We've recently made a change so the subheading will now read 'For the 'x' months ended' so the report will be more accurately reflected.
Thanks for your sharing on this with us here.
FX rates used on Balance Sheet report
The 'old' balance sheet showed the fx rates as a note at the bottom - can we have the option to add this to the new balance sheet layout.
99 votesHi everyone, we've just released disclosures for foreign currency in Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Trial balance, Movements in equity, Budget Variance and the Blank reports.🙂
When you run one of these reports in base currency you'll see indicators next to amounts that have been translated that show the exchange rate that was used.
Where applicable and you run one of these reports in a foreign currency there will be an indicator next to the currency sub heading that links to a note which display the exchange rates at which the base currency has been translated to foreign currency as at the report date, and any comparative dates.
We'll be extending this feature across more reports and I'll return to share as these come available. Thanks! -
Activity Statement - Ability to dismiss ATO outage notification
I appreciate getting a notification of a future ATO outage but I'd like the ability to dismiss it; I've already checked the dates and confirmed it won't affect me, but it stays on the page while completing the BAS.
1 voteThanks for your feedback on this notification banner, Shannon.
After a quick check in with our team on this, I'm pleased to share they've made a small change so you'll now find it's able to be dismissed!
Sales invoicing - amend VAT
Can you make the VAT amendable on the new invoicing system. We link with the Clover till system and the vat is always a few pence out, but the new invoicing doesn't allow us to change the vat amount.
1 voteHi Lindsey, you should find that you can add a Tax Amount column within new invoicing which will allow you to change the tax amount of the individual lines so you can correct the cents between your other system and Xero.
NZ GST return - Easy Printing of GST Return and Transactions
I would like to request the return of the nice simple professional looking GST Returns and Printouts as the new layout is unsuitable to be sent to Clients and printing out the GST Returns and details now appears spread over more pages.
5 votesThanks for your feedback here, everyone. We appreciate hearing what our customers need, and listening to feedback our team have made a change to the layout of the GST Transactions by tax rate view, so this is now similar to the previous report in a portrait layout 😊
Chart of accounts - Ability to use a - not a in codes
Codes are set up as ***-yy which isn't logical to type. I guess it's an accounting convention but I can type 501.50 much easier (one hand on the numeric keypad and no need to move it to the'-') than 501-50.
For non-accountants, and IT people 501.50 is the logical way to type and enter these codes.
2 votesHi Kevin, you can use symbols including '-' or '.' when setting up your chart of account codes. This applies when importing or adding a singular account within Xero. If you need any help with this I'd recommend connecting with our specialists at Xero Support who can get more information to help with your org.
Reporting - Full List of Reports inc. descriptions for each region.
Provide a FULL list of ALL reports!
There are SOOOO many reports out there that I am not aware of, as they are all hidden! Unless you know the exact name of the report they are useless to search. I have just spent a wasted few days between facebook and support trying to pull a report similar to Supplier Statement. I did a search and of course there is nothing called that. I eventually contacted support to find out how I could get a Supplier Statement and was told to use a "Supplier Bill Activity". I would never have guessed…
39 votesTotally get the keywords our customers look for or search and the names of Xero's reports may not always match. We've making use of generative AI and have released this to search within the Xero help menu - Where possible Xero will auto generate a response based on your search, and otherwise you'll see the most relevant content from Xero Central.
Taking the example in the idea here, when searching 'supplier statement' the first relevant result helps a user understand what reports will help them get an understanding of supplier activity in Xero.
In terms of listing reports in the reports centre - Some of Xero's reports such as the Supplier Bill Activity are a drill down report. While it won't be listed on the reports centre as a default, you can click the 3 dot menu next to the Contact Transactions - Summary report to view sub reports. If…
Bank Reconciliation - Warning when matching foreign currency invoices
Hi, there is a critical bug while doing reconciliation that make the app unusable. When trying to link a transfer made in a currency with an invoice made in another currency. The reconciliation doesn't show an error even though the recieved money is incorrect and doesn't match the invoice amount.
1 voteHi Aym, I understand you've also recently connected with our specialists at Xero Support on this.
To share for others on the idea here, in this scenario if the statement line is a partial payment you can use the 'Split' option in bank reconciliation to enter the currency value the amount equates to.
At the bottom of the page you'll see a message highlighting where the calculated exchange rate is significantly different to the defined currency rate for the day.
Invoice Branding - Remove Itemised detail
We use a a CRM system to create our invoice which is then linked to XERO. On our CRM system it itemised the components of the invoice this is also transferred. Is there a way on the xero invoice that this feature is not transferred so that the invoice only shows description and the total value of the job, ie NET, VAT GROSS.
We do not want the client to see the full breakdown.We send statements to our clients which has a link to the invoice due to the issues of the itemised invoice our clients can see this…
1 voteHi Dawn, this is possible with the use of an advanced branding theme. Using the DocX template you can customise the template to remove merge fields that you don't want to be shown to your customer.
Once set up as you like you'll want to upload the template to your branding theme in Xero, and then apply to contacts or to any individual invoices you'd like this template used.
After uploading a file, one must select account and what it is (bill, invoice, expense, spend money)etc, before you see what it is. I should be able to open file, add all the details, while viewing the image/document
3 votesHi Tonya, it's currently possible to view a file you've uploaded to the library before having to add it to a transaction. Just click on the file name.
"Created by" for Invoices, Quotes & PO
"Created by" to be added to the filter in Invoices, Quotes & PO sections
1 voteIt's possible to see who created a transaction from the History & Notes section beneath the transaction.
Alternatively, you could also run the History & notes report, select the type of transactions you want to see and search for 'created' to view all documents created by users in the org.
New Invoicing - Ability to apply overpayment to invoices
Why do we have to switch back to classic to apply and over payment - This feature needs to be in the New Invoicing System. It creates a massive amount of clicking to get all the features needed.
39 votesHi everyone, we have now released this within new invoicing 🎉
You'll now see that when you apply a payment within new invoicing, if the amount entered exceeds the invoice total Xero will note this and offer the option to create an Overpayment.
Thank you to everyone that voted on this idea and shared the importance of this in your workflow.
Reporting - Option to include zero-balance accounts in the Trial Balance
The TB in Xero does not show lines that have a nil balance, however, you may need to drill down on a line that has a nil balance but may have have transactions (such as a control account). Could an option be added to the trial balance that would allow it to be displayed either with or without the nil balances?
33 votesHi community, we've just released the ability to show nil(zero) balance accounts in reports.
Along with the Trial Balance report, this selection is also available for the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss (Income Statement), Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method, Cash Summary, Movements in Equity, Blank report, and Report templates
You'll find you can turn this on as a toggle option from the More menu of the report itself, or there is a selection in Report preferences.
We appreciate you sharing your needs in this and joining in through Product Ideas.
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