New Invoicing - Typeable dates in Date fields
On the old invoices/bills I could type "18/2/23" and it would auto fill 18th February 2023. Now I have to scroll back multiple months to get there. It would be good if I could type in the date field boxes again. Specifically on "Add Payment"

Hi team, as you may have noticed we've made a change to the Invoice Date and Due Date fields that now allows you to type in these fields rather than having to select a date from the calendar drop down. It does still require entering delimiters between day month and year such as a '.' or '/' (we understand there are a few situations when entering US date formats and are continuing to look into this).
We're working on also adding this functionality to the Payment date, and I'll keep you in the know of when this is made available, here.
Similarly, when adding payments to invoices, the 'Date paid' section now requires you to click into it and select a date off the calendar, and also the 'Account' selection, I used to be able to start typing the account the payment went into and select it by entering, now I have to use the mouse for these two items.
Can you please fix this as well? -
Hayley Greig commented
The '.' still does not seem to work in the invoice date field? The '/' works fine.
Damon O'Keefe commented
@Paul Hodges - Using a period "." is NOT working.
Please either add or amend functionality.
Mike Baptiste commented
May have already been mentioned, but thankfully the date field still doesn't require a year. Just type in mm/dd (or dd/mm for countries that do it correctly hahaha) and tab out. It'll set the current year
Charlotte Pepper commented
In the creation of a new invoice, you can keep your fingers on the keyboard, except when it comes to the date of the invoice when, if you want to overwrite what's there automatically, you have to reach for the mouse. Please amend the program so this field (date of invoice) can be overwritten without having to be cleared first.
Steve Penford commented
You can now type in the date you require, but first you have to delete the current date, in old invoicing, you just tabbed to the field and entered the required date, which was very much better
Morgan Green commented
Still haven't seen the type-able date functionality roll out to the Payment Date. This is a big time eater for some of our processes.
David Eyles commented
Not only + number of days, - number of days is also necessary for those invoices that are due x number of days before the invoice date.
Christina Coghlan commented
Please bring back the "+ #of days" option for the due date. This was very handy. Also can you add a "in 30 days" option in the due date drop down menu.
Raylene Fordham commented
We are not liking the date function at all. A quick fix for us would be to offer an option of "Previous Day.". Or as others have suggested...for us to type in the date.
Tanya McAuley commented
Please hurry up and put a data entry field for the date in the Add Payment section, proficient data entry people do not want to click through calendars and just want to keep typing through the fields ! Why make changes like this to the great software package when they are clearly not improvements ?
Simon Browne commented
Previously, day and month could be delimited with a space. Please add this . AND previously simply entering the day would default to current month and current year; now it defaults to the month and year of the invoice date which may be desirable for some but not all users. Please disconnect the invoice date from the due date.In the meantime, be very careful to check all dates on the invoice; they may not be what you may expect from previous experience.
David Eyles commented
How about Xero holding a webinar explaining the benefits of the "New Invoicing" option and allowing users to feedback on their experiences.
If this is not feasable how about a user poll where the people who actually use Xero an a daily basis and pay the wages of the Xero employees could actually vote on a simple question "Stick with Old invoicing" or "Switch to New Invoicing" and go with the result?
Chris Thorpe commented
It is painful having to pick the date from the calendar when showing invoices as paid - I hope you can update this very soon?
Chris Curlett commented
Come on XERO get back to basics and test, test, test what you do. You seem to be relying on users to find your mistakes rather than doing the job yourselves - and yes - it is your job to test things!
Chris Curlett commented
Hi Sam - this is frustrating. It almost seems as if they do not test the changes they make before releasing them which is scary.
They totally lack any form of rigger in the system they develop. As I have said before, the development team seems to be out of control, and this type of thing really undermines the user conference in their work.
Sam Gray commented
Kelly Munro - FYI, typing the date has a bunch of bugs.
Last night, I had invoices with a due date 30 Jun 2024 and I was trying to update to 23 Jul 2024 and no matter what I typed (23, 23/7, 23/07, 23/07/2024) it would change it to 23 Jun 2024, lol.
Today with Xero Support, we found if I type a date and am changing the month but not the day, it won't update at all.
If I type only the day (in old invoicing this would default to that day in current month, e.g. if I type '15' today, the 10 July 2024, it would default to 15 July 2024), it will default to that day in the invoice month rather than this month.
"You're using an old version of invoicing. Our new version of invoicing is packed with time-saving tools that make it easier for you to customise invoices the way you want, while simplifying the way you get paid." 😂
"You're using an old version of invoicing. Our new version of invoicing is packed with time-wasting tools that make it harder for you to customise invoices the way you want to using your keyboard, while increasing mouse sales." -
Louise Tonkin commented
It's completely absurd that you remove a perfectly functional way of entering a payment, that only requires keystokes with a method that now requires keystrokes, picking up a mouse, clicking little arrows (and missing), more keystrokes, more drop boxes. Making life so much harder for book-keepers. Every 'upgrade' seems to reduce ease of use and functionality.
Please discuss changes with the people who use Xero every day!!!!! -
Dave Spruit commented
We add invoices daily and this is going to slow us down tremendously. This is not progress this is going backward and is not very user friendly.
Alexander Sheldon commented
Same for choosing payment account. On classic invoicing I type the amount, tab to date , type the 2 digit date, tab to account, type 1 to 7 to choose the right account, then click add. It annoys me I can't tab to the add payment button and enter it.
Now I have to click add payment to get the useless payment overlay up. Then click three times to enter the date. Then click twice to choose account. Then click and change the amount. It's just so much extra work that is not necessary.