New Invoicing - Select default for 'Approve' Button e.g not 'Approve & Email
Can there be a system setting which controls the default option on Invoices for the Approve button.
It is currently Approve & Email and we would like to have the default as just Approve.
If it was a system setting companies could chose best option for them.

Hi community, we’ve just released some new keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry options.
There’s a range of different shortcuts that you can explore, and in particular a few that I wanted to call out for ‘Approve’ options that I know will be of most interest to you, here;
- Approve (Ctrl-Alt-A OR Cmd-Opt-A on a Mac)
- Approve & add another (Ctrl-Alt-O OR Cmd-Opt-O on a Mac)
- Approve & print PDF (Ctrl-Alt-R OR Cmd-Opt-R on a Mac)
- Approve & email / send eInvoice (Ctrl-Alt-E OR Cmd-Opt-E on a Mac)
While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
Thanks for all contributing, and staying plugged into updates on this idea.
Being upfront, we will continue to field feedback and revise this idea, but we don’t have plans for adding the ability to set your own default any time in the short term.
Rebecca Fraccaro commented
Everyone is very correct in their assessment of this situation - we have our own platform to email our customers their invoice, which goes hand in hand with an ordering system with other order details the customer needs to review and approve. Having to choose Approve, instead of Approve and Email, every time we input an already paid invoice into xero, is a massive time waster for us.
Neil O’Brien commented
I appreciate there may be a drive to keep the invoicing page clean and simple, but there's currently plenty of room to have an "Approve & Email" AND an "Approve" button if it's proving so difficult to code in the option to pick your own default. There's going to be uproar if classic invoicing is removed without some kind of fix in place. This thread started nearly a year ago and no progress has been made?!
Steve Penford commented
On new invoicing, the approve and add another option is very useful but it would be even better if the user could determine their default option. As a bookkeeper, I enter a large number of historic invoices every quarter, I never want to approve and send, but do want to approve and add another, and another, and another.....
Steph Burnett commented
'we're listening to your feedback and looking into how we can improve efficiency and speed things up' - this phrase seems to be the Xero version of 'sorry not sorry'
Emma Lowther commented
We sell online and then enter in xero. Our customers have already paid when we invoice them so why would I want to approve and email an open invoice when it has been paid. Why is it so many clicks to do anything!
Uta Bauer commented
The ability to choose which action is the default clearly is a major oversight. I would hazard a guess the beta version is tested on very vanilla businesses. It is clear this affects quite a few and unless its 100% do it this way, the option to choose should have been built in. Yes far too many clicks and having to move the mouse more to get to functions. takes up more room on the screen so you see less.
Mary O'Riley commented
Apparently I too am one of the 'minority' that do not 'approve & email' at once. Bring back the 'approve' button please. So many buttons placed all around the screen, so much scrolling and clicking to get even the simplest of things done. At least bringing back the 'approve' button would be a step in the right direction ... of keeping your paying customers happy.
Nicholas Phillips commented
The Xero advice suggests that 'Approve and Email' can be changed. "Choose an action such as Approve & email your invoice in just one click". If 'Approve and Email' is the only option then why use "choose" and "such as" in the sentence. Seems contradictory to say here that there's no plans to change the default option!!
Richard Bergen commented
Simply have an Approve button, and a separate Approve and Email button. There are many Xero users, and we are NOT "One size fits all"
The flexibility to adjust the accounting software to our individual business is needed. -
Robert Game commented
At least one of my bookkeeping clients can't deal with the new invoicing screen, and has started looking into moving to Quickbooks. For the rest, its just going to make everything take longer, and cause a whole bunch of mistakes and grief in the teething stage.
Feels as though this is a move designed to improve things that use Xero for everything, to the detriment of people who use other software for parts of the invoicing process (e.g. invoices are e-mailed directly from the POS software) I guess that must be an intentional business decision, but it seems odd to deliberately leave Quickbooks as the only real contender for people who want some parts of the process but don't need everything?
TF Coaching commented
The ability to do this is critical for our business.
Approving and sending invoices are different processes that need to happen on different days in our workflow, and I'm dreading the inevitable misclick and inappropriately early send of an invoice that's going to result with the new Xero layout. This is genuinely a relationship damaging mistake that Xero's new layout has made almost inevitable. Please make this a company setting. Everyone has a different workflow; allow for it.
Tarryn Hamilton commented
I would love to only have the approval button as our invoices are emailed from a POS system. We don't send them from Xero. Please bring the approval button back!
Wendy Angliss commented
What about the scenario where a manager approves invoices. They don't create or issue invoices. That relationship lies with other team members.
Also i no longer seem to be able to see the quantity in stock? Has this been removed? If so why? If not how do i get it back? thx. -
Emily Aspden commented
Too many clicks in new invoicing.
'Through testing we found that majority of our customers would Approve and email an invoice at once'.
And yet so many don't. Why not just add the option for each customer to choose what their default should be? -
Claire Parker commented
Another bug to report...when you type in the first few letters of the contact it brings up other contact options with absolutely no bearing on the letters typed. Thereby causing an extra couple of clicks to select the correct contact. I've never ever experienced a search option so flawed.
Dennis Cole commented
The new invoicing is absolute rubbish.
1. This issue ^^^^
2. Can't type date in date field when adding a payment
3. When typing an account, if there's only 1 selection, have to press down, then enter.
4. Cancel button is before Add.New invoicing does nothing but add more clicks, keyboard presses, and frustrations.
Samantha Klimecki commented
I agree. I don't mind having to change the default on my first invoice upon logging in each day, but it would be nice if my selection could be remembered.
Abby Stewart commented
No updates on this, Xero? I have not seen anyone who prefers the default being "Approve & Email." This would be such an easy fix to make your customers a little more happy with the invoicing. Either make the default "Approve" or make it an option for us to choose.
Polly Hutchison commented
Company setting default -- this!
Polly Hutchison commented
How about when there is no email listed in the contact it just approves -- is this something you can do? We do so many Shopify invoices and thus the Approve is all we need. It's very frustrating to have the vast... vast... majority of our invoices need extra clicks. Also -- WHY default to tax inclusive? I have the contact set correctly, but Xero does it inclusive EVERY time. thanks. I'll look for this in other topics.