New Invoicing - Time stamp in History & Notes
In the classic invoicing history, we can see the date and timestamp, this is not available in the new invoicing - see attached screenshots.
We use this time stamp a lot for trouble shooting - like what time or XPM and what time was the invoice approved. This helps if there is an integration problem or double up, or payment query.

Well that was quick! 😉 It turns out along with an entry when an invoice is sent, our product team also managed to release time stamps 🎉
In history & notes of new invoicing, next to the date you'll now see a time stamp of when an entry occurred. Thank you all who voted and shared with us on the idea, here.
Bethany Fraser commented
History and Notes
Can we please have time stamps added back to the history and notes information on transactions? This was really beneficial when working with external support to resolve import issues and knowing exactly when something happened. Since the new invoicing was brought in, I seem to only be able to see the date something occurred, not the time.
Jenny Joosten commented
We use the timestamp to track the multiple changes to an invoice (manufacturing amendments). With the classic view the attachments are also listed in the correct order which is great for troubleshooting.
Our team has reverted back to classic view (only need new invoicing when we add a delivery address different to the postal address)
Ben Haigh commented
The history on "new" invoicing is pretty useless. No timestamps, no details of the change actually made (i.e. changed from and to, or the email address). C'mon Xero, it can't be that difficult - even these comments here have the timestamp!
James Beylotte commented
The history should also include the email address the invoice was sent to.
It should include actual edits made.
The history for a "Contact" is very good. History for invoices should have the detail and formatting similar to "Contact" history. -
Finance Wills Health Services commented
This is also our biggest issue with the new version. The super crazy thing is the data is sent from your server (you can see it if you know how to use DevTools in your browser) it's just the styling on your page that drops the time info and only displays the date. I.e. this is a super, super easy change to make that would take a dev a few minutes to do and test. Really no excuse not to knock this off the list quickly.
For those of you who are a little brave then the way to use DevTools to see the timestamp is pretty easy. Most web browsers work in a very similar way but these instructions are for Chrome. Open the invoice in your browser, press F12 or open DevTools from the menu, select the Network tab in DevTools, now click on the show history and notes button and you should see an entry in Devtools called history, click on this entry and in the details that open choose the Preview tab. This will show the raw data that the web page is using in the history section. If you expand each line of data by clicking the triangle you can see the Date field includes the full date and time down to the second. Note: to see the history entry in Devtools you must open DevTools before clicking the show history button, if you don't you will need to start again as the history data gets cached so no amount of show and hide will work. Also if you open DevTools too soon then your list of entries in Network can get long. -
Cathy Synan commented
We need to have the history from old invoicing to show up on new invoicing.
Virgil Ierubino commented
It's essential to have a full audit record of what has happened in relation to any invoice!
Carissa Taylor commented
I just jumped on to suggest this idea too. I completely agree. We need to have all the history that showed up on the old invoicing - on the new invoicing. Thanks.