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16 results found
112 votes
Hi community, we appreciate all the feedback you've shared on how we can improve new invoicing for your needs.
In relation to the alert of available credit as raised in this idea, we've identified there are a few situations for Invoice only users where the available credit pop up isn't being shown. This is something we have plans to fix, and while I can't give a specific date on the idea here, we want you to know this is important to us and I'll keep you updated on progress here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
549 votes
Hi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your engagement and sharing how custom fields would be advantageous to you here.
With lots of work for 'building on beautiful' underway atm, we want to be honest that custom fields is not planned in the near term.
Some in the idea here, may find the recent addition of Notes that can be added within the Contact Details section of a contacts record useful in being able to record and view specific detail relative to a contact at present - More on this shared here
We'll continue to evaluate the viability of largely voted ideas such as this when there is resource, however this unlikely in the next 12 months.
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
23 votes
Hi everyone, we're pleased to share that we have some work underway atm that will provide what you'd like to see here. Right now, along with work for managing duplicate bills, and providing a quick view of bills we're developing a bills upload feature where you'll be able to upload or drag & drop a file from your device to create a bill in your Xero organisation. You can read more of the detail on our blog and I'll round back to share once this is released for you all.
An error occurred while saving the comment Virgil Ierubino commented
The new ability to email a bill to Xero is excellent, however, it is more often the case for me that I have the bill file as a PDF directly on hand, rather than as an email. Consequently, I can't actually use the feature!
Please allow the feature to be used by dropping the file into the Xero bills interface.
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
11 votes
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
170 votes
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
195 votes
Hi all, appreciate the interest and rationale for wanting to be able to combine and hide line items on an invoice for sending to your clients, while having your usual detail tracked on the invoice in Xero.
While this may be a function we look to explore in the long-term we want to be upfront that this is not something we’ll be developing in the near term. Our team is focussed on other key priorities right now such as improvements to invoice branding and getting paid.
If you want to hide all line item details, you can create a custom invoice theme where you can decide which data fields appear on the PDF invoice. For example to print only the Subtotal and no line items.
However we’re aware that in other cases you want to be able to show some line items and not others. We’ll leave this idea open…
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
179 votes
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
157 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate your input and sharing detail of how you'd like to see this developed to help suit the needs of your business.
We want to upfront that we don't have plans for developing this in the next year. However looking further out to the future, our teams will continue to review and consider how they might build inventory in Xero to cater for units of measure.
If you're after an immediate solution, it might be worth exploring connected apps that can integrate with Xero and cater for your business needs. As soon as there's any change or news around this to share we'll be sure to update our community and all of your interested in this, here.Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
354 votes
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
365 votes
Thanks for your continued engagement with us on this idea, everyone. We understand there are many different ways business work and conduct business with customers, and that you need more flexibility in the way you manage and receive payments for invoices with Xero. While pockets of research have been done in the past we’re getting a fresh lens and conducting a broader piece of discovery to deeply analyse and understand where our efforts could be focused in this space to alleviate existing hurdles in receiving payments for majority of Xero users. We’d like to open the invite to be a part of our teams research pool, where you’d get the chance to share more on the importance of managing payments for your business. This may involve being interviewed, or helping answer questions through short surveys or questionnaires.
✍️ If this is something you’d like to be a part of, please …
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
477 votes
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
157 votes
Thanks for your comments and emphasis on the bills side of things for the idea here. I've made sure this is shared with our team in this space.
Bills is an area we're continuing to develop with building on beautiful and I'll be sure to let you know here if there's any consideration made to change behaviour of this through the bills add and edit flow.
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
170 votes
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
499 votes
Hi everyone, appreciate there are more regions users would like to see us adopt solutions for and we'll keep you in the know of any progress, here.
In the UK, we have some updates with the bill payments method with Crezco. You now have more control of your cashflows with the ability to schedule bills to be paid at a future date using direct bank transfer. This'll help avoid potential bank charges for same day transactions, and missing due dates. Along with this you'll also be able to stay up to date with your payments with real-time payment status in Xero. Meaning you don't have to log into your bank to check the status of each bill payment. With an overview of all payments made using direct bank transfer, you have an accurate record of which suppliers have been paid, and when.
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Virgil Ierubino commented
Yes please.
When the invoice is paid, create an appropriate prepayment automatically for that contact.
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
98 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Virgil Ierubino commented
Please allow arbitrary decimal precision on quantity, price and discount. There is no other way to ensure numbers come out correctly.
Virgil Ierubino supported this idea ·
A whole new system with critical features removed... very clever, Xero! Seriously, this was a great feature and we need it back.