New Invoicing - Alert if the contact has available credit
In the "classic invoicing" interface an alert is displayed at the bottom of approved invoices when the contact being invoiced has existing credit that can potentially be applied to the new invoice. This is a very important feature and strangely it's missing from the new invoicing interface. With the "classic invoicing" now being officially retired this basic feature must definitely carry over to the new invoicing interface.
Without this alert, every time we create an invoice we would need to manually check if the contact has previous credit with us, which makes the process unnecessarily inefficient and unpleasant.

Hi community, we appreciate all the feedback you've shared on how we can improve new invoicing for your needs.
In relation to the alert of available credit as raised in this idea, we've identified there are a few situations for Invoice only users where the available credit pop up isn't being shown. This is something we have plans to fix, and while I can't give a specific date on the idea here, we want you to know this is important to us and I'll keep you updated on progress here.
Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Colleen Van de Laar commented
Absolutely agree with this! This was a key feature and essential for my bulk invoicing - I desperately need this feature back as both myself and the people I am invoicing are getting frustrated with missing applying credit notes.
I often invoice 60-80 players in quick succession - It is an absolute mission to have to manually check every invoice for credit before I can email it out.
Sarah Zwickl commented
This is actually extremely critical -
I'm glad to see that I am not the only person with this issue.
I enter in approx 20 invoices a day and 16 of those invoice would have a credit in xero
Along with everyone one else, my credit alert no longer appears and using the new invoice is soooo clunky and slow and time consuming since the intro of the SAVING as a DRAFT
My issue has been under investigation since June 2024 as I refused to use the new invoice due to this error.
I am still using the classic invoice as it shows me the credit alert but that now has runtime issues when applying the credit.
No win situation.
Fiona Davidson commented
I have now created and Off Site petition..... Petition for Xero to stop making changes... -
Simply Housekeeping commented
After the updates recently I no longer get offered the option to apply credit to an invoice before emailing it. So I keep sending invoices to clients asking for payment when they actually have credit to be applied before sending them the invoice. Before the updates a box would always pop up asking if we wanted to apply credit before sending - can this be fixed? It's very frustrating.
Maria Evison commented
In the New Invoicing at the moment a small pop up message comes up in the bottom left hand corner to alert you that there is a credit in the account once you move down to add an item. However I am entering the item not looking at the message as there is also another message about content defaults being applied that disappears on its own - is this necessary. Its distracting. Wouldn't it be better if there was an alert when you are Saving to be Approved or Approving the Invoice???
St Bernadettes School commented
I have just started using the New Invoice interface with the Classic being retired and finding the removal of this alert was really frustrating. I have had several customers contact me advising they have a credit which should have been applied to their invoice. A bit embarrassing and not a professional look. Please fix this as it is time consuming exercise.
Virgil Ierubino commented
A whole new system with critical features removed... very clever, Xero! Seriously, this was a great feature and we need it back.
Sharon Wyllie commented
This is a critical process that is missing. We have alot of customers that pay in advance.
Emma Lee commented
I often use this feature when reconciling - as most of our customers do not provide remittance, so if they have paid less than an invoice amount, I open said invoice in a new tab and check to see if they have credit available.