Bills - Bulk Void multiple bills
When duplicate bills have been entered you have to delete them one by one, would be great to be able to delete them in bulk

Hi team, just as a follow up to my last update - along with the ability to bulk void bills, it is now also possible to bulk void payslips. See my last update for more detail on this process 🙂
Clare Lynch commented
It would be helpful if bills we able to be deleted in bulk rather than one by one.
Drake Jerald commented
I see that they are working on this, I hope this comes out soon! Would be great!
Justin VanAlstyne commented
Agree. Need this.
Sam Roberts commented
Come on this is well overdue now.
How has this even been overlooked -
Kat Donatello commented
I've been wanting this for quite some time
Sarah Donovan commented
I've been wanting this for quite some time
Law Yip commented
"Very needed, the system has some inconvenient functions. The inability to multi-select or mass delete bills is a problem for the system. This functionality would greatly improve the user experience by allowing for more efficient management of bills. Implementing a simple checkbox system to select multiple bills and a "delete selected" button would make the process of removing many bills much easier. Overall, adding bulk deletion and multi-select would address a significant pain point in the current system.”
Kate Grigg commented
Very needed, when receipt imports have come in as a bill rather than a receipt. The spend has already been reconciled by the user. Therefore, as a bookkeeper, you need to undo the reconciliation, go into each individual bill and make the change to receipt or merely delete the bill. Doing this on an individual basis is very time-consuming. Any form of bulk updating bills is needed, whether it be payment date, changing it from a bill to a receipt, applying in bulk to a project or expense report etc.
John Boocock commented
How is this still a thing XERO people have raised this issue a year ago, give your head a shake............................
Hugh Tracy-Forster commented
I've just done a 120 bill import and there SHOULD have been a sales line and a commission deduction but I in error imported them all as +ves - have had to alter them all one by one. Yes, of course, my mistake in the first place – but boy am I paying for that mistake!
Hope Ingle commented
Necessary for efficiency
Joel Lambrick commented
100% needed -
Lucy Burton commented
I spent 20 hours this month correcting invoices received from eCommerce sights, there was over 3000 bills and invoices each. This is really critical please please add!
Shanthy Lal commented
yes definitely
Muhammed Bhyat commented
Xero accounting is all about convenience compared to other platforms, this is a feature that will add value to your many users especially the new users who don’t even know that they can vote on this page. I have over 4500 bills in 8 entities totaling +/-30000 bills that I need to void
Evie Lyons commented
This is definitely needed - recently I had to spend hours deleting over 1000 incorrectly posted invoices!
Bejay Mistry commented
Would save so much time.
Rosa Gould commented
Would save loads of time
Lindsey Lawton commented
This would be such a time saver!!!!
Sam Roberts commented
this is the bane of my life, there is a check box there to bulk select bills, adding a delete button would make my day, it takes ages to delete ones duplicated or added incorrectly and they just build up en masse.