Bills List view - Highlight when line selected
The new Bill view has lost the ability to highlight a certain bill when you tick the box next to it. In the old version if you ticked the box that bill would remain highlighted in grey so it was easy visually to know which bill you're currently working on. This has stopped since the new Bills view has come in. Any chance to can add it back? In the attached screen shot you can see a bill has been ticked but it remains white like all the others in the list.

Nice update before the weekend, team. Highlighting in the bills list view is now available 😊
When you next select bills these'll be highlighted on the screen.
Claire Taylor commented
Thats great some action has started on this idea
Ideally (for me) would be if the amount could be moved to the left ie invoice number, supplier, invoice amount then the other dates to right as they are
When I am searching for invoices to pay I usually look for supplier first then invoice number and then would be good to have invoice amount beside these not on the other side of the screen (especially having a large screen!)
Highlighting the lines selected would be great too like it used to be
Claire Taylor commented
Yes this is very frustrating - especially when the invoice total due is on the other side of the screen (esp with larger screens)
The amount due would be much better if it was before the supplier name ..... and have the rows staying highlighted when selected - like it used to be
Claire Taylor commented
Andrew you cant select some invoices on one page and include others on another page at same time - I get tricked with this at 20th month all the time
An easy way to track payments is schedule a day to pay they will summarize at top of screen
If invoices are spread over more than one page that you want to select, at the bottom left of screen there is an option 'items per page' click the black arrow and click 200 to get more on one page
Hope this helps
Andrew Henshaw commented
Not sure if we are doing something wrong or its the set up, we moved from MYOB to XERO in July. we have more than two pages of bills waiting to be paid, when we select and tick a bill to pay on page one and then go to page two to select the next bill we want to pay it automatically unticks the bill on page 1. We have only used this version but prefer MYOB way of select the creditor and then select all the invoices you want to pay.
Andrew -
Angie Crowhurst commented
can't understand why it has been removed
Tammy Berry commented
I missed this after the last update to Bills - Awaiting Payment. It does flicker but does not remain highlighted.
Natalie Gordon commented
Yes, this is critical for me. Please bring it back. Thank you
Claire Taylor commented
It would be good if when selecting lines in bills and sales that once the line is ticked it stays highlighted like it does when hovering over
With the tick box and amount so far away (is on large screen anyway) you have to double double check you have the correct invoice and supplier/customer