Xero HQ - Transfer/copy reports between practices & organisations
Ability to transfer customised reports between practices or other businesses. Currently this is not possible so if a client changes accounting practices then reports do not follow. This is expensive for the client for reports to be redone and totally unnecessary given that all the formatting necessary already exists on another system.

Dakin Parker commented
The problem isn't necessarily with set up. Whether we import our own, customized csv or use the HQ functionality, it's easy to get to identical starting blocks across companies. It's when accounts are added or tweaked and reports are modified. There needs to be a way to apply these changes to multiple organisations with a single click.
Rebecca Laurence commented
For those talking about master account codes, you can load these into your practice settings in Xero HQ and then select these instead of the default when you create new xero organisations
Paul Howlett commented
@Tim - our firm has a 'master account list' CSV file that is then imported into every client when the ledger file is created.
Tim Jasper commented
Also a master account code group would be good as well. We utilise the same codes across ever venue (xero file) in our group and need to create the same codes for every xero file. A master list that can be allocated to every file would be invaluable.
Antony White commented
Often we do a complex report and want to replicate that with another client in the same industry, so this would be useful to replicate, rather than saving it initially in our Master Templates. These reports are developed over time, hence why we don't start with modifying a master copy.
Neville Boulds commented
We have 5 companies set up in Xero and this function is a big issue for us as we continuously improve and develop our reporting. Our chart of accounts is identical across all the companies. Please Xero, add this functionality for all multi-company subscribers.
Luke Danhof commented
Have the ability to export a custom report from one organization and import it into another organization without having to recreate the whole custom report from scratch. This is especially helpful when creating reports that revolve around classes that you can't create at the HQ level.
Charis Palazidis commented
I also have multiple entities with a common chart of accounts. For each entity I need to create the report from start? Why am I not able to have my custom reports available across all companies under my account? Please fix this issue, it is very time consuming for us that we have multiple entities under XERO. Our financial reporting process is based on that.
Carolyn Nicol commented
Agree with comments, reports should be able to be shared between clients & practices.
Accounts Expertunity Pty Ltd commented
I have 4 entities with a common chart of accounts. It's going to be about 2 days work to create the same reports in each entity. When will Xero ever listen to its existing user base?
Lisa Welch commented
We have clients moving from one entity type to another and after spending hours creating reports for their monthly management reports many years ago, we now have to redo as they have moved from one type of entity to another. With the number of comments below, would be great if this was a functionality. Seems backward that it can't occur
Ian Malcolm commented
Totally agree, with the restriction of consent by both practices / businesses. Very common occurrence and essential with an amicable split of a practice as well, totally unfair on one of the parties in this circumstance to have to re-create all Reports.
Delwin Bratby commented
please allow this ASAP - this i basic work flow you are killing us to recreate each time
Leith B commented
Having the ability to save a customized client report as a practice template would save so much time.
Brooke Falls commented
Please bring back this functionality. It seems ridiculous to have to recreate the report for each separate entity. Such a waste of time when they are all the same format.
You should also be able to share report templates between clients and firms. If a client wants to view the layout of a report in a custom format (i.e. Balance Sheet or P&L) they shouldn't have to have the firm produce the report each time. -
Ralph-Peter Hendriks commented
It would be useful if, as an accountant, you could copy reports from one organisation to another, without having to create a Report Template. So, I envisage a button saying, "Import report from another organisation", which takes you to a screen to select the other organisation, then takes you to a list of reports in the other organisation which can be copied.
Craig Van Niekerk commented
This would be a great time saving function, should you be able to make it work. Good Luck
Phil Ashford commented
Xero very clearly care about their product matching their marketing: "Xero is a powerful online accounting software solution for small businesses. Run things smoothly, keep tidy online bookkeeping records, and make compliance a breeze."
Come on. CTRL C, CTRL V.
Silas Lee commented
This needs to apply outside of Xero Practice Manager as well in the core Xero product. With the change in reporting fuctionality there is no way to re-use a custom report developed between organisation under the same Xero account. This is creating un-necessary re-work to support annual reporting and tax submissions.
Steven Ellison commented
We look after a large number of businesses all within the same sector that use the same report layout. We have had to set up the custom reports for each one individually (which took several days) and also need to set them up again when a new client joins us (which can take the best part of an hour).
Surely setting up the ability to export and import custom accounts would be something that was easy to implement?
We have tried to set them up in Xero HQ but they want to map to the Demo Company's Chart of Accounts which is completely different to our own.
So maybe having an option to select which Chart of Accounts to use in there could be an alternative way of dealing with this issue.