XPM - Add Pause button
When using the start button in the timesheets in XPM to track time on a job, the option for a pause button to pause your time, then to unpause and keep recording your time.

Hi everyone, we appreciate the continued interest in the timer in Practice Manager. As mentioned in my last update, work for a Pause option would require a lot of work, and it's not something we have plans for right now.
However, we understand this is important to our customers and when our team have more capacity we'll explore how we might develop solution for this.
We will keep let you know if there is any progression to share here.
Mary Lewis commented
FYI docs is too expensive for a small practice as there's a minimum of 5 users, so $150 per month. I also regard this as a critical update.
Aileen Pennington commented
Try using FYIdoc. It integrates with XPM so you can put your time through FYI and it syncs with XPM and FYI has a pause button!
Jules Bradbury commented
Thanks for the update, I appreciate how IT upgrades are more work than we ever anticipate as non-IT people, but there used to be a pause button in here years ago, god knows why it got removed. It really is an integral part of a timesheet system, which accountants use all the time. It's not a request, it's a true necessity and I really hope you'll get this up the list. This is the point of having these ideas voted on, to see the popularity. This clearly is urgently needed.
Annie Harris commented
Why doesn't Xero have a pause button on the timer already? It seems highly unlikely that anyone would ever be able to complete a job from start to finish without needing to pause at least once!!
Alicia Toon commented
A Pause Button Would Be FANTASTIC!
Ivonne Perez commented
Clock back the time without re-entering all information
Many times throughout the day I stopped the clock time in XPM and I start working on another job, then later I might go back and work on the initial work I was working on. It would be fantastic if we can clock back in the initial job without having to enter all the details such as the client, job and task again... it would also save time. The online App Clockify offers this option, you might check it out for reference.. hoping this idea is taking on board sometime -
Peter Dunoon commented
A pause button would enable toggling between jobs (never losing time). WFM once had the pause button and Xero took it away! It is critical to have a pause botton.
John Lewis commented
The "it's too much work, we don't have the resources" response is a little concerning
Alana Macklin commented
Converting from Software that already has this, feel like a backward step. In an ideal world we would ONLY work on one client at a time, however with daily multiple business distractions, this is not the case.
Victoria Moroney commented
This is a great idea. I currently use an external stopwatch app on my computer which is less than ideal. It means I can at the end of the day put in the total hours/time on a job rather than worry about exact start and finish times.
Aileen Pennington commented
Totally agree. The number of times I have wished I could pause my time clock while ansering a phone call etc. It would be hugely helpful if you able to add another timesheet while you have one on pause namely for times you need to pause your clock to take a call then record the time on the phone call to another client.
Melanie Fryer commented
This is a "must" feature, please add
Eitan Stern commented
Its really frustrating for a days workflow to not be able to pause. Not having the feature doesnt allow us to work seamlessly through the day. Pausing jobs matches how people actually work