Report Codes - Custom or more User defined
We require additional report codes, particularly for financials, in the Adviser reports. More codes are needed to group and map Fixed Assets, and it's necessary to further breakdown Plant and Equipment into categories such as Furniture & Fittings and Office Equipment. We spend excessive time modifying report layouts to achieve this, and automation would be more efficient. Additional user-defined fields that are compatible with our practice would also be advantageous.

Faye M commented
Can we have a EXT.SELL report code to map selling expenses?
Brendan Porter commented
For customising the notes to the accounts on financial statements it would be really helpful to have the ability to add more user defined report mapping codes for each client. Case in point, assets under finance. The notes look very ugly in the way it is reported, grouping all the current/non-current liability types together. Through allocating each account to its own user defined each individual finance can group the liability and unexpired interest to separately total each asset under finance (see attached example). Some of my clients have up to 10 assets under finance so that would require the ability to have at least 20 user defined current and non-current liability accounts. So having the ability to add as many as is needed would allow us to present more professional looking reports.
Melissa Peters commented
It would be great to have the ability to have custom report codes so that we don't have to use unrelated report codes to achieve our reporting needs - especially as reporting requirements change (such as the incoming not-for-profit reporting changes). At the same time we don't want to lose the functionality across the Xero platform.
But would be good to be able to create a "Custom Name" report code (such as "Capital Grants") and then assign this to a Xero Product level report code (such as the existing Grants - Rev.Oth.Gra). This would allow the reports and Xero workpapers to run as needed for the practice but set reports like the IR10 import into Xero tax could still un off the Xero level report codes. -
vonda henry commented
I spend time creating reports that allow me to separate different types of revenue stream.
Jennifer Hewitt commented
Hi, yes, would like to see the ability to rename the user defined codes.
Also for not for profit entities further report codes are needed as there has been a change to the financial reporting standards, which can be adopted from this year so this would be really good. Thanks
Jase Austin commented
We need to make sure all information that is given to us. We had information that will support that.
Tajir Mohammed Yusuf commented
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Blake Walsh commented
We would like more report user defined expense report mapping rather then just stopping at 5, it cant be that hard to just add say 10 more for better customisation options, you either will or wont use them but atleast theres a choice to expand...
Anne Topham commented
Also need to be able to report in accordance with NFP Tier 3 requirements - currently the reporting in the templates doesn't support this.
Franca James (GT Admin) commented
In order for us to build financial statement templates to produce financial statements at a consistently high standard and quality for all of our different clients of various types, size, industries and circumstances, it is critical to increase the number of report codes. We are very limited currently which is causing risk and efficiency issues.
Grant Thornton National commented
The ability to edit the name of these additional report codes is critical!