475 results found
Manual Journal Report with Details
A report for strictly manual journals that would show ID, Narration, accts, etc, or the ability to filter manual journals in the current journal report.
3 votesHi Brenda, there is the ability to filter by many of the column in the current Journal report. Or is it a different detail you'd like to be able to filter by in this?
XPM - Ability to favourite recurring time entries
It would be efficient to have recurring time entries to be saved as a favorite in XPM instead of having to complete all three segments about Client, Job & Task. Especially for daily recurring Internal Time entries such as Non-Billable Time for Meetings, Personal Breaks or Filing Emails etc.
20 votes -
XPM - ABN field for Custom Templates
Would like to be able to use ABN in a custom template for Job Brief, Invoicing, Purchase Orders etc in XPM
2 votes -
XPM - Disburse Xero subscriptions to clients
There needs to be way to bulk import client disbursements in XPM. For example, Xero subscription fees.
9 votes -
Report for direct debits
I would suggest that Xero should provide direct debits from all your accounts in one report.
1 voteHi Komal, just to make sur we understand the idea here properly. When you say you'd like a report of all direct debits, is this where you've made a direct debit payment for bills? Or where you have customers that may be on direct debit payments with your business?
XPM - Further Staff Access Options for Managing Invoices in XPM
At the moment, within XPM staff permissions, there is either full access for managing invoices (view, edit, create and delete invoices), or nothing. Staff should have access to view previous invoices for tax return preparation, but not necessarily the permission to edit, create or delete invoices. Would like more access granularity for this feature.
2 votes -
Practice Manager | New Client - Option to add Staff
We work in small teams and it would be great if we could get a "Staff" drop down added for the client set up. So we could know the partner on the account, the lead accountant/manager and the staff member that works on the file so we know who to approach for various issues :)
39 votes -
hiding partners information from staff
copy the functionality of access Handisoft to be able to hide details of partners and their own entities from staff in XPM. They can see TFN for example. In Handisoft they can'r even see an address much less who in in the partners private group.
1 vote -
XPM | Reports - Ability to add a hyperlink inside notes
When using other supporting documents—let's say bank statements—it would be great to add a hyperlink to the notes or text block section so you can just click and see the support document.
1 vote -
Practice Manager - Automatically add a Task to automatic Activity Statement jobs
It would be great it we could have a Task automatically added to the auto-generated job when we have the 'Create Activity Statements on a newly generated job' option checked.
15 votes -
XPM - Report on Fee from Refund Field
Enable reporting / export for the 'Fee from Refund' field under Tax under the Tax and Company section in clients.
The other fields in the ax and Company section are available in the Client & Contact Report Builder, however this field is overlooked. I understand that there is a 3rd party request to have this field included in the Client API.
10 votes -
US 1099 - Identify Checks and Debit Card activity on bank accounts
Debit card transactions are not needed to be reported on 1099s. When using bank feeds in checking accounts it does not distinguish debit card vs check. I suggest there be a option to identify debit card vs checks so the debit card activity is not automatically added the the 1099 reporting.
7 votes -
XPM - Link tasks in XPM and item codes in Xero
It would be great to have tasks within jobs (XPM) link to Xero Blue's item codes so that when importing bulk invoices, they can be allocated to a specific task/item code. This will allow for easy reporting both in XPM/Xero Blue.
Otherwise, it would be great to have an option to allocate a task to invoices in Xero Blue that links back to the relevant task in XPM, similarly to the way the Reference field works for jobs.
2 votes -
XPM mobile app - Time tracker
Please can you design an app for XPM to record time on the go. It was such a wonderful feature when integrated with workflow max and would help so much when visiting clients on the go.
15 votes -
XPM - Allow Practice Staff to Edit Contacts, Groups, and Relationships without Full Edit Access
Have a separation of Client Edit privileges to allow practice staff to edit Contacts, Groups, and Relationships without having full edit access (e.g. will not be able to edit client address, email address, Agent, etc)
92 votes -
Split Interim / Negative Cost allocation
For the purposes of monthly retainers - a way to offset an interim invoice (which in the invoicing module shows up as a negative cost) partially against time that's been raised in the system for WIP washup purposes.
Currently you can drill in to tasks to mark timesheets as future billing but you can not do the same on costs.Eg. Time on task = $500. Interim invoice (negative cost) = $1,000 want to offset the $500 and carry forward the remaining $500.
2 votes -
XPM Tax rate 2 automatically applied to tasks
It would be great to have a way to setup Tax rate 2 as a default tax on all the tasks so that we don't have to click on every task and select it in the dropdown menu every time we create an invoice. There are 2 taxes that apply to all of our services here in Québec, so Tax 2 is not optional.
1 vote -
linking feeds
I would like to be able to send a bank/xero link to connect the AMEX credit card feeds or other banks that enable linking via internet banking, rather than having to add the client as a user in Xero first to be able to connect bank feeds via a link. This seems to complicate the signing of completed financials and tax returns sent from xero to the client for signature. It asks them to login (when their email is connected with a Xero account just so they could link internet banking) and many clients are finding it frustrating.
1 vote -
Invoicing from XPM
Invoice Clients from Xero Practice Manager for two Practices but only one has a Xero Subscription.
1 vote -
Practice Manager | Client Report - Include primary contact
Would be great to run a report which shows the primary contact for each client. Currently no functionality to report by primary contact.
68 votes
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