Settings and activity
4 results found
549 votes
Hi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your engagement and sharing how custom fields would be advantageous to you here.
With lots of work for 'building on beautiful' underway atm, we want to be honest that custom fields is not planned in the near term.
Some in the idea here, may find the recent addition of Notes that can be added within the Contact Details section of a contacts record useful in being able to record and view specific detail relative to a contact at present - More on this shared here
We'll continue to evaluate the viability of largely voted ideas such as this when there is resource, however this unlikely in the next 12 months.
Deborah Schooley supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -
268 votes
Hi community, thanks for getting involved here and letting us know the importance around being able to see the details whenever an invoice is sent from Xero. We understand the importance of this to our customers and our product team are beginning to review this idea to solve needs in this space. We'll move to Under review and I'll let you know as there's more progress here. Thanks
Deborah Schooley supported this idea ·
18 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Deborah Schooley commented
All our invoices are sent out the day after service. So the inability to pick 'yesterday' or the specific date when clicking straight in that field is a major reason I'm avoiding the new invoicing. A couple of extra clicks may not seem much but over all invoices it literally slows my entry time painfully.
Deborah Schooley supported this idea ·
New Invoicing - Allow Item and Description-only lines, with no Qty or Unit Price
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Draft Invoice Copy.jpg 124 KB -
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Data Entry Draft Invoice.jpg 137 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Invoice Copy.jpg 99 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Data Entry Invoice.jpg 129 KB -
Screenshot 2024-06-18 142006.jpg 97 KB -
Screenshot 2024-01-31 144249.png 23 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2756.pdf 90 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2754.pdf 92 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2737.pdf 94 KB
473 votesThanks for all your feedback here, everyone. The way you add description only lines in new invoicing is a little different to classic and we wanted to explain in hopes it'll help with how you're using new invoicing.
When entering a description only line, you can enter text in the description field of the line. If you add detail to any other field the line will be treated as a 'financial' line and you will need to include Qty, Unit price, Account and Tax rate.
When an inventory item is added this uses the item code field and the line is treated as 'financial', so it's not possible to use inventory items as description only lines in new invoicing atm.
We appreciate this is how many of you here have been making use of inventory and our product team are closely monitoring the feedback we're getting on this. Though we don't…An error occurred while saving the comment Deborah Schooley commented
Thanks for pointing me to this explanation Kelly. Perhaps your team should consider how chaotic and confusing many users' financials will appear with endless zero lines appearing in transactions when they shouldn't be there. The alternative is slower entry and a LOT of extra work so I'm guessing many will resort to just accepting messy invoices with lots of zeros. This may seem a small point in the many challenges you are facing with converting everyone onto the new invoicing. However I think there will be many more users who only appreciate how big an inconvenience this is once the change becomes permanent and their accountants/accounts staff have to wade through the reports.
Deborah Schooley supported this idea ·
This is probably the one failure in Xero that will eventually force me through the pain of moving to another accounts system. In all the years I've used Xero, I've employed time consuming work-arounds hoping the custom invoice field issue would be addressed eventually. It's surprising it's so hard to achieve as it appears it's available in Practice Manager. As it's not a priority, I guess the only choice is to move to a software that DOES offer it.