235 results found
Contact - Select 'TPAR Reportable' when adding contact
Hi Xero,
could you please add a tick box button TPAR reportable in Supplier Contact - when adding new Supplier to have there option to tick "TPAR reportable"?
It would really help with ATO reporting when working with high volume of Suppliers/Contractors.
Atm Xero does not have a tab to differentiate between Supplier providing material only and Supplier/Contractor providing service, labour on which we need to file TPAR every year and within a year we are taking on numerous new contractors.11 votes -
Contacts - Ability to search group
Currently when you want to add a contact to a group and you have a entire list of different groups, you can not search for the group you are looking for, you have to scroll through your list. It is very frustrating not being able to search for the group.
11 votes -
Xero Accounting app - File CIS returns from app
To be able to use CIS on the mobile app and on an IPAD.
When you are not able to use a laptop and you need to work with CIS.10 votes -
Contacts - Being able to re-assign contacts in "All" to "Customers" or "Suppliers"
We have imported all our contacts (a mixture of customers and suppliers) into Xero but they have all gone into the "All" category and there is now no way of assigning them to the "Customers" or "Suppliers" categories. It seems like a crazy restriction that not even the Xero people can fix for us. My suggestion is to allow us to move them out of All into one of the other categories.
10 votes -
Contacts - Bulk Archive option if inactive for an extended time
Bulk archive option for any contact either supplier and customer with no activity after 2 years or at least being able to run a report for the same inactivity (Smart list does not offer the options needed)
9 votes -
Sales invoice - Don't auto update email of contact
Is it possible for cash sales/one off payments to chose not to save an email address? Every time I do a one-off cash sale for a new/random customer, the email address automatically saves into the Cash Sale contact file. But the next cash sale invoice is going to a different email address, so while I can input the new email address, the one prior is printed on the invoice! It is getting very tedious having to go into the contact file, delete the previous email address and get back into the new invoice to reprint it every time I do…
9 votesThanks for your feedback, Carolyn. Appreciate the different use case and why you may not want information from a singular invoice to update the contact. We'll get an understanding of the demand for this here.
In the meantime, it'd be good to understand if recording as Receive money could help your flow here for cash sales so you don't have to enter contact details?
Reports - Add Contacts report to show contact details and contact activity
Contacts report that shows contact details (name address etc) and Activity in last Financial Year.
This would assist in cleanups of multiple contacts / old contacts etc.9 votes -
Invoice Reminders Report - Date and email sent to
Provide a report on who the automated invoice reminders have been sent out to, to know when the final reminder has gone out and payments not made can then be chased manually.
9 votes -
Email template - Placeholder for tax exclusive amount
Email template - option for insert placeholder for GST exclusive amount ('Subtotal' amount).
At the moment, I can only do the Total amount, which includes GST.9 votes -
Contacts - Restore deleted files / Prompt to confirm when removing
Move the Delete button away from preview in files attached to contacts.
So many times, I have accidently deleted files attached to contacts. The delete button is right next to the preview. There is no way to restore once deleted..8 votes -
Email Templates - Create your own custom placeholders
Create your own placeholders for email templates - For example, I want to create a new placeholder for the previous month.
8 votesHi Kirsty, having looped in with the team this placeholder is not something that has been developed in new invoicing and isn't on the immediate plans at present.
For the time being, you'll be able to use the shortcut shared in classic invoicing. We'll re-open the idea to continue building traction in this here and I'll update you if there is any progress surrounding placeholders that'd help here.
Contacts - 'Are you sure' alert when deleting Files
Needs 'Are you sure' pop up for Deleting Contact Files
Its too easy to accidentally delete a file attached to a Contact. Needs to be an 'Are you sure you want to delete ...' pop up when deleting.
Especially as it also doesn't populate in the history/notes section that anything has been deleted.8 votes -
Contacts - Add EORI number field to contacts
EORI numbers are required for all European customers especially when invoicing/shipping goods. It is an extension of their VAT numbers. Please can XERO create a new field on the contacts for this. We are recording this currently in the new notes or "FAX" number so it shows quickly. Are Fax numbers still necessary?
8 votes -
Contacts | Add & archive dates - To get a Customer lifetime value report.
Customer lifetime value report.
I would like to see date fields that you complete when you onboard and archive a new customer. Then it would be easy to work out the average lifetime value of your customers (CLV) using the “income and expenses by contact” or other report.
8 votes -
Customer Statements - Transaction History Option
Please can Xero consider adding a Customer Statement option that shows payments as totals (not splits per invoice allocation) as found on the bank statement.
Many businesses have customer accounts that are paid towards or caught up regularly in round bulk amounts that do not neatly match individual invoices.
In these cases customers getting statements showing their payments as splits cannot easily or intuitively see the amounts that they paid on specific dates.In dealing with queries ourselves we find that many customers find the Activity Statement format frustrating or confusing, especially when we have to capture part of a…
8 votesHi Jessica, it'd take some customisation of the Statement advanced docx. template but it is possible to remove fields from showing that may cause confusion or are unnecessary for your customers.
You could look at removing the 'PaidAmount' field if this is not required and just keep the 'Balance' and 'Amount' fields.
There's a discussion over in Xero Central where there are others in community who often help with making changes ti advanced templates and maybe of help here.
Contacts - Ability to save 'Attention to' only for Billing or Postal address
Since the new contact layout was introduced, you cannot save an attention name without there being an address in the address field. Sometimes we do have a company name, contact name and no address.
Please review and correct.
8 votes -
Contacts - Include account number or email address in exports
We need to export donations from Xero to our CRM system. However, matching on Name is looking very difficult but we could add either the CRM ID to the Contact record as their Account Number, or their email. However, I can't find a way of exporting a csv containing the date, amount, and either email Account number. Can this be added?
8 votesHi Nigel, coming back over your idea here I wanted to confirm it is possible to export contacts and their data from your Xero organisation.
This will include Account Number, email - See our article here.
Can you expand a little more on what you're meaning by date and amount? Thanks
Xero Network - Ability to share Xero to Xero key link
Ability to share a link to share Xero to Xero key
8 votes -
New invoicing | Send - Find email
With the old Invoice system, the message will correctly prompt the email address for that contact. If I choose instead, to send the message to another contact email first, I simply clear the prompted address and begin to type the intended address and the full address is usually prompted after typing the 1st 3 letters. Is there a way we can make the NEW INVOICES do this? Surely this can be done in the new Invoice Format..???
7 votes -
Contact | List view - View mobile when no phone number
It would be great if in Blue Xero in the Contacts list the "Mobile number" can be displayed when there is no actual phone number, currently you need to open the contact to see the Mobile Number. a bit frustrating.
7 votesWe've just released a recent improvement to searching contacts where you can now search a contact by any phone, direct dial, mobile or fax number saved in their contact record.
While you won't be able to see a contacts mobile number from the screen, you'll be able to search for a contact by a mobile number that's been saved for them.
We don't have further change planned to add more detail to this screen atm but we'll continue to track the support of the idea here.
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