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  1. Create a way of flagging or colour coding draft bills to pay. When you have some that are on hold for one reason or another and some that aren't due until a lot later in the year, rather than looking at them in drafts repeatedly if they were flagged or colour coded we could easily see to ignore them. Much like when bills are overdue in the 'Awaiting Payment' tab and coloured red. Would just be a nice option to be able to change manually in Drafts.

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  2. Most of our clients (and I imagine many small businesses in the U.S.) use a hybrid reporting basis. Basically, short term assets and liabilities are recorded using the cash basis while long term assets and liabilities are recorded using the accrual basis.
    Therefore, for example, this will result in sales being recorded when cash received but depreciation and amortization expense are recorded monthly. This method of reporting also results in the accounting basis being more similar to tax basis.

    Xero actually has a webpage describing this ( but states "And if you run a hybrid accounting system, smart…

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  3. Where the business uses Xero for GST and payroll, it would be great to be able to create a bill off a finalised GST return or finalised payrun. To have the bill included in the payables automatically would ensure the bill is captured.
    It would also be great to be able to pay GST and employer deductions with a batch file from Xero, just as we can with other bills. This would remove the need for manual loading of the payments in the bank and ensure the matching of the payment in Xero was a full circle to the finalised…

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  4. On bills awaiting payment and payment batches having a way to copy the amount that is not formatted so that it can be pasted directly into bank payment amount fields. At the moment the value is formatted with commas "1,200" which cannot be copied directly to a bank payment page.

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  5. There are users who need access to custom projects reports but no others. Currently they either have to repeatedly customise the base reports or have access to all the reports.

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  6. A Simple EOFY Report for Contractor Payments - to include Income Payg and Super + contractors details + email (for mail merge) all in one report
    I see Xero are in the process of updating reports... Im yet to see an upgrade on contractor reporting, between XERO and the ATO, im sure these clever people can come up with something more efficient. I finally have got Recipient created tax invoices flowing (still could be better if POs worked as well as Bills do in XERO - another idea here) EOFY reports to Contractors and the ATO is very time consuming,…

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  7. On bank header screen where it shows "Statement Balance" and "Balance in Xero" could we have a simple "Difference" calculation to show the actual amount of the difference.

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    Hi Valerie, while not shown in the Bank header, you can run the Bank Reconciliation report which will show you the balance out by figure. If the Imported statement balance hasn't imported or doesn't match your actual bank statement ending balance, you can enter this yourself at the top of the report and update so Xero will show a calculated balance out by amount.

  8. Being a start-up company we claim R&D refund as part of our tax return. In order to support R&D activities we need to work out employee remuneration and hours to support our claims. Currently, Xero does not have any R&D reports that we can use. Hence, I am wondering whether the Tech team at Xero can include two fields (Column options) in the existing report "Payment Summary Details".

    The fields required are 1) Superannuation 2) Units (worked hours)

    Then we can export this report to work on our R&D claims. Thank you

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  9. The ability to hit the F9 button (or similar) as in Sage, to automatically fill the amount in the 'amount to credit' field, without having to type values in manually

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  10. HI
    we work in wine retail & record our product &service on xero (we have moved from sage 50 2 years now)
    we cannot use track inventory option as this doest work with our current setup
    please can we simply have like a small box under each inventory saying quantity on hand for e.g 2 or if its negative like - 2 ( as this is really trouble some for me to all the time go to report & manually set my filters all the time with dates,& other details.
    ) please like on sage50 we had always a number…

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    Cannot understand why a bill will show the qty on hand, but not the purchase order. When creating a purchase order it makes sense that one should be able to see qty on hand on each line item so that you know how much to order.

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  12. Show the Total Payment of a Pay Run, on both the Pay Runs and individual Pay Run screen. As it is, you have to click Payroll > Pay Employees > Pay Run > Employee to see the Total Payment for that specific Pay Run. Far too many clicks to check what the total amount was that was posted to Wages Payable account (and paid from the bank account).

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  13. Would like allowances to be included on the Payroll Employee Summary to help with STP finalisation

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  14. Ability to import/export tax codes for jurisdictions where multiple non-default tax codes may be required!!!

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  15. In the Account Transaction Listing there should be Source indicated for Fixed Asset Depreciation run through the Register

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  16. Could there please be a facility to post journals between contacts (either supplier or customer) for example between BT Telecom and EDF energy
    Currently there is only the facility to post journals between nominal ledger codes.
    Many thanks

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    Hi Julie, could you explain a little more the scenarios in which you'd be looking to make use of a this sort of functionality?

    At present - if the transactions has originally be assigned to the wrong contact this can be edited. 

    Understanding more of the use case may help us find another solution for you here, although I don't want to be open that we don't have plans for enabling transfers between contacts. 

  17. Ability to share a link to share Xero to Xero key

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  18. Global change of description on repeating invoices - some folk have same text but include current month before sending - currently required to edit each invoice to achieve this

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    Hi team, we don't have any plans for developing the ability to bulk update the description of your repeating invoices right now.

    To help your work flow here, you could include placeholders so the description contains the current month. Dynamic date placeholders can be added to the Description and Reference fields of repeating invoices and bills. The placeholders will then insert the specified detail into the invoices and bills when they are created.

  19. The functionality in Xero that shows a file has been deleted in the History and Notes section of a transaction.

    Currently if a file is added to a transaction and then deleted, under the history and notes section it still shows there was file uploaded, but doesn't have an audit trail that it was subsequently deleted.
    is this something that can be added as part of the history and notes to be more accurate

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  20. In our old system, before we moved to Xero, we could highlight special clients (they were a different colour). In our case, they were special because they paid their account off in instalments, instead of paying a lump sum. This made it very easy for us to separate them when we sent invoice reminders to the rest of our clients. How we have to do it in Xero now is clunky and manual. :)

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