Payment services - Auto Calculate Credit Card Fee or online payment fee and show on Invoice
To make the credit card fee or online payment fee visible in the invoice.
Purpose: Vendor/customer will be able to see how much exactly they’re being charged.

Jeremiah Boobar commented
Shopify invoices automatically generated in Xero do not match the payment that comes in through the clearing account. This is because the shopify fee is not represented. This means that a lot of excess manual work has to be created when this could be automated some how.
Tony Morrison commented
Can you create an option where payment service fees (Paypal/Stripe...) can be added to an invoice after the invoice has been created and before the payment is processed? This way the fees for the service are paid by the customer.
Brock Buchmeier commented
We’ll also be removing PayPal until this is sorted out. The quick payment is fantastic but the PayPal fees are troublesome. Once I can add the fee to the payment, I’ll re-add PayPal as an option.
David Paul commented
Have ended up here trying to work out how to auto add Paypal fees to invoice payments when customer pays via paypal but seems there is no way to . Works for Stripe but not paypal so I guess as others have done I'll also remove paypal payment option. With tight marjins and often discounts it's now hurting too much or instate as Lou Smith has suggested.
Lou Smith commented
I'm considering removing PayPal as an option, our invoices are large and the fees can be 100s. I dont understand why we cant have a feature that asks permission to add fee once the client selects paypal another green button to accept extra charge for fee calculated automatically at the time to a pre set percentage
Sophia Jane commented
Now there is an additional fee on the xero pay now button. When did this arrive? The stripe fee is deducted before the payment is transferred to the xero system. Why are our customers now paying the fee again.
Phoebe Crozier-Durham commented
The manual process of adding a bank fee when reconciling is tiring - and frustrating that it doesn't then link to the invoice for the customer to see what fee has been charged.
Anaia Treefoot commented
We will remove paypal until we can pass on the paypal fee to the customer, in a similar way that we can currently do with stripe
Daniel Idowu commented
'Adept Fire Protection Services commented
· May 10, 2022 1:42 AM · Flag as inappropriate
In a time where business margins are tight, the cost of providing PayPal or an online payment service and associated surcharges need to be on charged to the client.I agree.
Bruce Martin commented
Would be great to automate bank fees on payments.
It's very boring to always have to fill out the fee amount, To, Description and Account each and every time we get a Stripe fee OR a bank fee.These small adjustments are 100% always bank fees so it seems silly to have to manually do this every time.
Eva Lau commented
I need not only Stripe can add up a fee on top but also other platform.
Kar Chean Ho commented
Customers that pays with traditional banking method will have to pay a fee for making the transfer. Online payment methods will default all the charges to the seller. This will cut into the margin for our service.
Eva Lau commented
whether to use the gocardless that linked to Xero, i think this is a critical issue to solve this issue.
Adept Fire Protection Services commented
In a time where business margins are tight, the cost of providing PayPal or an online payment service and associated surcharges need to be on charged to the client