Batch Payments - Bills stays selected/ticked on multiple pages
Ability to make the invoices that have been ticked in the previous page stays ticked.
Purpose: Because it’ll save users’ time when they’re doing batch payments, especially when they have to tick all the invoices across multiple pages.

Thanks for your contributions and voting on this idea, community. While we're seriously taking on board your feedback for how and why being able to hold selections across pages would be helpful when processing batch payments, we want to be open that this isn't a focus area for product at this time.
We'll continually reassess ideas where there's opportunity, so please keep adding your votes and interest, here. If there's any development planned we'll be certain to share this with you all.
Ruth Accounts commented
In bills to pay! Be able to search and select multiple invoices to create a remittance.
Currently if you select one and then search for another, the previous selected one is deleted.
Nicky Nicolai commented
Surely a quicker fix than selections across pages is to make the Invoice page show 500 - 1000 invoices for larger batches. It is sooooooo time wasting creating multiple batches because of this issue.
Amanda Schaeffer commented
Within the Bills to pay, the most you can see is 200 at a time, when creating large batches that involve multiple suppliers and Invoices it is currently impossible to select those that are on following pages, this makes it really difficult. It would be great for an ability to see 500 or 1000 Bills on the one page at a time, please.
It would also be great to have greater ability to filter such as by supplier or to show all BUT certain suppliers.
Margaret Nicholas commented
Forget it everyone, Xero is much more interested in messing up other stuff than providing much needed functionality. I really dislike this whole "ideas" thing. This is essential for business but they really don't care. Maybe they're focussed on attracting much smaller businesses and people who require more will need to go elsewhere.
Jas Thind commented
We too would appreciate displaying more than 200 items for the same reaon. WE end up having to create multiple batches which could easily be remedied
Accounts Texas Chicken commented
One of our organisations has more than one page in bills awaiting payment. When a batch payment is created, you can't select invoices to be paid on page 2 without losing the invoices already selected on page 1. This means that you have to create two batch payments which is additional work. It would be great if this issue could be look at.
Fraser Malcolm commented
This is the biggest single issue we have with Xero and as others have said it may well drive us away. My son, who is a software engineer, has written us a little program that converts the XERO batch pay CSV output file in to a TXT file that I can upload to Nat West. I do several 200 transaction payments and cut and paste the TXT files together. This works for me but it is a palaver we shouldn't have to go through.
Dennis Lawrence commented
Kelly. Welcome to the realm of the disgruntled. I compliment your willingness to bring to the attention of the brain trust of Xero the need to fix this issue, an issue that has been ongoing for a very long time and an issue that, for all other accounting platforms, is basic functionality. I hate being the bearer of bad tidings but Xero has repeatedly let us users know that this issue isn't on their radar and they seem to be steadfast in their resistance to taking a look at it and actually fixing it. I know I first mentioned it over two years ago and there has been no movement. So, as far as Xero is concerned, you will have to continue wasting your time creating multiple payment receipt batches that should be taken care of in one transaction. I had to create as many as five to clear a single day's cash receipts. I sincerely express my condolences to you and everyone else out there that is having to use this ****** platform. Looking forward to the day when I can put Xero in my rear view mirror.
Antoinette Micallef commented
I have noticed that the lack of this feature has caused errors when processing bill payments, mainly from rushing after having to reselect bills for the third or so time.
Do you have a recommendation when processing payments that go over to the next page but not paying all bills?
As for Dennis's comment, I agree. It seems to be that Xero is focussing on making their program look attractive for their new overseas customers they are trying to gain.
Might be an idea to voice your opinion on something like Trustpilot Just make sure to make your comment informative with positives and negatives so future customers know you are genuine. -
Dennis Lawrence commented
Well. If improving functionality that saves users time and prevents multiple transactions that should be done in one isn't your focus, then what exactly is your focus. I've seen changes to reports that weren't necessary nor helpful, we're being forced to change invoicing that worked just fine and didn't seem to need changing. Looks to me like Xero is ignoring things that will actually improve their software and make the job of those of us that have to work with it easier in favor of cute changes that seem to help no one. I want to remind everyone out there that WE are Xero's customers and, as the old saying goes, the customer should always come first. Do any of you, with the above response, feel that Xero is putting its customers first? Not hardly. I think we need to remind Xero that they aren't the only game in town and that when subscriptions fall, jobs have to go. Their jobs.
Jim Kacev commented
Hello Xero, we don't need multiple pages but need more items on a page. Why can't you just increase the items per page option to 1000 similar to some of the report options that are available? Thankyou
Ceri Gwynne commented
Did my first batch payment on xero yesterday - couldn't believe it when i could only select up to 200 lines. Such a waste of time having to export payment files in separate runs. I initially tried to search on each supplier, ticking the boxes of payments i want to make before selecting another supplier - obviously i was expecting to see all those i'd ticked when the batch payment file was produced and not just the last page. This is just basics and that along with the batch payment file amalgamating sort codes and account numbers into the same excel cell means that i'm really shocked and disappointed in this basic lack of functionality on xero.
Tony Harris commented
I was so excited by the open banking payments functionality and spent yesterday setting up the system and running through some test options. I had every expectation that this would be a massive time saver for me.
.....this one flaw in the functionality means I'm back to manually selecting multiple payments filtering by supplier. Unable to select multiple suppliers if they / or their invoices spread across multiple pages.Seems like a no brainer. I wonder how this got through beta testing with Xero?
Duncan McKimm commented
FYI for other commenters, we are using a service called BatchPay to address this issue given it's not on the roadmap for Xero.
Jenny Mackenzie commented
Very disappointed to hear this - There seems to be a focus on cute changes and not on basic functionality. Xero be warned - I have been in this game for a long time and am really experienced in a lot of platforms. If you keep focussing on aesthetics over core functionality you will loose customers very quickly.
Margaret Nicholas commented
Why do we have to have pages anyway, far easier to just scroll down?
Matt Lowe commented
Xero, why not add an extra option to the 'items per page' dropdown?
Nicholas Ong commented
It's such a disappointing reply that basic function which is a need for everyone is not their main focus.
Dennis Lawrence commented
How am I not surprised. Based on the last response you issued regarding this issue that, for all other platforms out there is basic, you're concentrating on how you can make things easier and better, payment wise, for our customers, not your users. As a consequence, you're making it easier for our customers to pay us but you're not fixing it so that, when we receive these easier payments, we can post them easier and more efficiently. This is ridiculous. Your cutesie screens and updates to invoicing, updates to reports and customer payments do nothing to help the users of your **** software, the one's, might I remind you, that pay your salaries. The ability to select and post all outstanding invoices that we receive payments on in one transaction, one batch, is, in all other accounting platforms, basic functionality. It is unbelievable that you, the one's that created and support (and I use that term loosely) this software don't recognize the importance of this functionality and don't make it a top priority.
To the growing number of users that recognize that the brain trust running Xero couldn't give a **** about what we, the users, need, I encourage you to give these idiots a quick lesson in business - that being - the customer (that's us) should come first. The lesson should be the recognition that Xero isn't the only platform out there and that without us, they don't have a business. I will soon be transitioning to Sage 50 cloud, a far superior product, and I encourage each and every one of you out there that is offended by Xero's continued disregard of this and other issues that directly affect users ability to work efficiently to jump ship as soon as possible. A lack of customer base and, hopefully bankruptcy for these idiots, will teach them a lesson that they should have known when they started their business. The customer, your users, the one's that provide you with revenue, comes first. -
Shelley Sames commented
It should be a focus - it is important!
If you are not focusing on this hopefully you are focusing on another other issue for accounts payable i.e. being able to view a report showing payments made to suppliers (not just being able to see individual invoices and the dates they were paid) but being able to access statements which show the total amount paid to a particular supplier at any time and over any period of time.