Organisation setting - Ability to hide/delete the demo company
Option to hide or delete the demo company in Xero.
Purpose: Often a demo company creates confusion for users, so it’s better if they can hide/delete it.

Hi everyone, the demo company provides the ability to test and trial Xero features without impacting data in your live organisation. It's especially useful when you're getting started with the product or want to see how a feature works that you haven't used before.
That said, we understand not all our customers want or need access to the demo company. We appreciate your feedback on being able to hide or remove this here, and our product team are aware of the interest and feedback surrounding this - Both from this direct thread and the previous commentary and votes from the older forum where this originated.
While we don't have immediate plans, this is an area our team are looking to review. We will update you if there is any planned changes to this, through this idea.
Cat Topp commented
We are yet another tiny entity that would please very much prefer to be able to hide this feature. Its function sounds useful, but serves only to confuse in the main menu, and we are far too small to benefit from it. Its name/description/purpose should at least be made clearer if it is to remain where it is. Thank you. --TCS
Michael Hill commented
Thanks Kelly. Don't care. Please let us a delete it.
Nick Forde commented
Pathetic. An example of a company that doesn't listen as they get bigger. Then they will wonder why the small nimble startup down the road somehow ended up beating them in future years when people jump ship.
Devon Smith commented
This is such an easy fix and so many people that want this. How is this not done by now? Maybe there is a reason QuickBooks has such a higher market share. This is a basic functionality that a competent programmer could fix in a few minutes yet users have been requesting this for years with no interest from Xero in fixing this. Please actually listen to your users.
Mark LaCroix commented
I get that the Demo Company has value even after you set up your org, but please let us get it out of the main dropdown menu. Put it in the help menu or let us toggle its visibility in settings.
Accidentally clicking it instead of settings is likely, and since it brings up a bunch of dummy data it isn't just confusing it's potentially panic-inducing (and certainly time-wasting) for users who don't realize they've entered a pretend fantasy land from *inside of their accounting software*.
This is not just a UX request, it is a most basic duty of this kind of tool to *only* ever show accurate information.
Accounts SME Civil Construction commented
Please allow us to hide the demo company!!
Jay Baruffa commented
Please allow us to hide the demo company.
Edward Hayes commented
I have never used the demo org to test new Xero features. Can you please start listening to your customers and enable us to remove it.
Stephan Schier commented
Why has this seemingly logical feature request languished for ten years? Do you really need any more input on the issue?
Give users the option to remove/delete the demo company. It's thoughtful UX. Do it.
Robert Redcay commented
Thanks for the update, Kelly. One important part of this request — and why you hear so much about it — is that it’s easy for users to inadvertently choose “Demo Company” when using the menu. This is frustrating for users. It is in the way. This is the problem more than “not all customers want or need access.”
Michiel van der Klooster commented
"Xero Team (Admin, Xero) shared this idea" Sep 12, 2014
It's coming up to the tenth anniversary of this request - less than one month left.
About time to do something about this.
Kevin Munro commented
This annoys me every day
Let us remove the demo company -
Michiel van der Klooster commented
Nobody needs the demo company after setting up their other companies - please remove
Cube Commercial commented
Please remove!
Mitch Shaw commented
Why isnt this a setting we can toggle on or off? seems like a simple feature Xero?
Kirsty Drummond commented
Confusing for staff who we invite to xero, and they can access the demo company and fear the figures!! Please delete it ...this is your HIGHEST requested feature Xero, why are you not listening to your customers?
Jenna Windross commented
I hate that this is here. I also find that it changes position in my side feed. I use Xero for two different companies and changing between the two, I find myself clicking on the demo company sometimes because it's at the bottom of the list now instead of the top where it was before. It's very annoying!
Steve Taylor commented
It is just logical - we only want to see the demo company when we are using it; we should be able to turn it on or off as we see fit.
Mary Phillips commented
Again should be able to have our own orgs not a demo no longer used
Peter Istrate commented
What's really astonishing is that this has, actually, been voted to be one of the highest feature requests (235 votes).
There are 210 pages of feature requests (20 requests on each page).
And this is on the 3rd page (which means it's in the top 50 most requested features, out of 4200 feature requests).
They haven't addressed this in 10 years. Which is wildly ignorant.