User Role - Allow users access to specific reports
Ability to only allow some users to access specific reports.
Purpose: Because in some organisation, only some people can only see the information for some reports.

Hi everyone, thanks for the interest in this idea.
As you can appreciate, user roles span across the entire Xero product so there’s many combinations of permissions our customers want to see us build. Specifically, our reporting product team is very much aware of the challenges with the current permission sets relating to sharing individual reports with different users and are beginning to look into how we might be able to alleviate some of these reporting challenges.
However, at this stage it’s far too early to anticipate or confirm any direction on where this discovery work will lead, but it will inform our next steps. Additionally, as I'm sure you can appreciate there are sensitivities of data access and security. Creating upgrades to user permissions will need very careful consideration. As most will be across, the reporting team are leading up to retiring older versions of Xero’s reports on 31 July 2023. Once that’s done, they look forward to pointing more attention to reporting user roles and updating this thread with their progress.
Kelly McKee commented
super important to be able to restrict access on reports. I want my accounts team to manage my AP and AR aged payables, but I don't want them to access the P&L or BS report. please can we have a solution for this
Pauline Kell commented
So important to be able to decide what each user can access. The current situation is so restrictive.
I have three Xero accounts for three companies and this is a problem for all of them for different reasons. I'm now looking at whether I should switch to MYOB if they offer greater flexibility on this.
Prajval Colaco commented
We have been using MYOB for several years and they provide a lot of this functionality while we are severely constrained when it comes to the access levels in XERO.
Renee Farquhar commented
There should be boxes to tick for certain reports that a particular user can access. MYOB definitely has more options in it’s user settings.
Tony Reynolds commented
We need some users to have access to reports, but they don't need bank access - go for it Xero :)
Terry Bluck commented
Yes more flexibility regarding accessibility by user. In regards to dashboard, reports and functions. Thanks
Maria Cook commented
Yes, I agree the permissions need to be more customisable for each role rather than one types fits everyone.
Unfortunately, that's the reality. Hope to see some improvement by Xero soon.
Rosemary Sharratt commented
The ability to limit users access to the P & L report and the balance sheet
Lesley Christian commented
Definitely need more customisation with the User permissions and accessing reports.
Sensitive financial data needs to be secure with restricted access. Other data such as daily sales and purchasing data should be available to access for certain roles as a customisable option/tick box.
Access to reports should necessarily mean access to the bank and associated aspects of the business.
Helen Christopher commented
We are finding that clients require more flexibility in user roles. For example a client wants an employee to carry out invoicing only, but that employee also needs to be able to print a sales report at the end of the day.
HK.Juan Finance Team #1 commented
Yes, certain project should assign to certain users, not all users can access. Hope this can be improved.
Sharon Bramley commented
It is important that the accounts clerk cannot see the Financial reports. They currently have access to all business expenses, including the Directors Salaries, and the details of other staff members salaries, by just drilling down into the transactions.
This information MUST be protected and secured from minor staff. There needs to be a set up with password, or a category between Invoice and accountant/manager please.