Invoices - Unapprove option
Ability to unapprove invoices once it’s already approved.
Purpose: it’s easier to have this feature if users approved the wrong invoices by mistake.
Olga Gordon commented
I would love this feature.
Alison Walker commented
This seems to be constantly requested, it seems crazy that it's not already a feature
Weronika Lis commented
All, please remember to click "Vote" at the top and score how important it is for you, not just comment. Xero team is looking at vote proportions.
Antoinette Micallef commented
This feature would be very helpful when it has been approved in error or if you need to add a line to it for interest charged on late payments.
Philip Duncan commented
This is never going to happen. People have been talking about this problem ever since xero first started ~15ish years ago. They ask us users for feedback on using this system, but it seems like the more people ask for something the less likely it is to happen. It seems like some sort of stubborn aversion to making any changes unless they think of it first.
Vale Admin commented
This function is a must for Bills & Invoices - the copy & void workaround does not work - it is time consuming and leaves room for user error.
Carol Hatten commented
This would be very helpful in cases when goods haven't been shipped yet!
Ken Verma commented
Yes agreed , certainly a very useful facility for the situations explained by Nadine.
We are not live in Xero yet and lack of this feature will certainly cause problems. -
Nadine Hyslop commented
Yes I need this option! So many times I've accidentally hit the Approve button instead of save!
I use the awaiting approval as editing draft invoices that get more added to them before the end of the month (such as weekly corporate contracts) cause then I'm not creating a new invoice every single time.
An alternative would be to swap the save and approve buttons, so the 'Save' is in the green on the right side. -
Jeremy Atcliffe commented
The suggested 'copy' workaround doesn't seem to include attachments
Jo Rushbrooke commented
reverting bills incorrectly approved would be very useful if you accidentally push the wrong button
Scott Walker commented
It's so easy to accidentally go from "draft" -> "awaiting payment" (skipping "awaiting approval"),
so it would be nice for it to be easy to go from "awaiting payment" -> "awaiting approval".Copying and editing a new invoice, and deleting the accidentally-approved one, is not a clean solution; very error-prone.
Ngaire Antrobus commented
This is really, really important and seems like very basic functionality - can you please look at it asap?
Antoinette Micallef commented
I agree. Anything that needs approval needs the ability you un-approve or revert to draft.
It is too time-consuming to have to copy and void an invoice approved in error.This raises the risk of not voiding the invoice correctly, having a messy accounting system, double handling, and extra time taken for the whole process when a button or dropdown can be added to revert the approved invoice to a draft.
Jack Clark commented
Hear, hear - come on Xero, what's the timescale!!!
Steve Fisher commented
I struggle to believe that this feature isn't a 5 minute fix for Xero programmers and recent comments regarding attachments remaining should be a given.
Shared almost 8 years ago - come on Xero!
Mark Ockendon commented
Jill Northcoat commented
attchemnts to remain when enabled please
Jill Northcoat commented
if developed When unapproving, can any attchments remain please
Devansh Kabra commented
Really needed this.