Reporting - Layout | Option to choose portrait or landscape
Ability to choose either portrait or landscape for aged payable/receivable report layout.
Purpose: To make the layout look more consistent between these two reports.
Judy Watson commented
This is necessary for all reports, as Xero presently decides whether Portrait or Landscape rather than us as the user, which makes difficult for setting up in files, sharing with clients, etc. For example if printing two Ledger Accounts using the Transaction Report, one may print in Portrait and one in Landscape, which when presenting to Client looks unprofessional.
Paula Chegwidden commented
Agree with others - this feature needs to be available on all reports. My profit and loss reports look awful with GL names across multiple lines. Makes the report really hard to read.
Melanie Walker commented
100% agree with Remi
Remi Landaz commented
Allow us to change the reporting from Portrait to Landscape so that we can create awesome report!!!
Michael Welbourne commented
This should be for any/all reports. A 12 month P&L with YTD (13 columns of figures) is ridiculous in portrait
Hayley Higman commented
I agree with Victoria's comment below. Please can this be implemented ASAP as the reports look horrendous at the moment without the function to turn landscape.
Victoria Moroney commented
This needs to be all reports - our report packs often look horrible when we add in multiple columns for things such as month/budget/variance/YTD/YTD Budget etc. The GL names all double line and the reports look horendous and are long. They turn landscape themselves at a certain point but there's not much reason to this and we should be able to choose this instead.
Vanessa Jennifer Cornejo commented
This has been an in-demand request from our clients lately. Hope they can implement this feature.
Peggy Couper-Woods commented
The Superannuation Accruals & Payables report used to download in portrait format and now I find it's landscape which is really frustrating. I cannot continue a uniform presentation without the option to toggle between the two. Please provide an option to select either style so that we as users, can determine which layout best suits our function. Many thanks.
Spence Reichardt commented
As can be seen on the attached report, there is plenty of clear space between columns to display in portrait. A simple toggle function with reports self aligning seems fairly simple.
Trying to combine portrait and landscape docs for book making is very frustrating.
Please implement a resolution asap.
Angie Garner commented
This should be an option on all reports. Portrait reports are often too lengthy and data can be viewed much more easily in a landscape format.
Lina Atkins commented
The option to have Landscape and Portrait would be of benefit. Management reports with many comparison fields are not nicely presented in Portrait
Corrina Wilson commented
Makes the reporting unusable, as you cannot read the data!!! I need this function for my Custom Reports please
Johan Janssen commented
This has been an on going issue and there has been not work arround. an example is the depn schedule sometimes Xero chooses Portrait and then you need a microscope to read the report.
Sarah Edwards commented
Yes, it's critical for us to be able to choose between Portrait or Landscape! Sending Accounts Payable Statements (and others) with most of the information cut-off from the columns being too-narrow is embarrassing, and futile.
Jason Lander commented
Why there isn't the option to switch reports between portrait and landscape in this day and age is beyond me. Surely this also cant be a difficult fix for Xero so why are they putting it off!?
KYLE BRESLOW commented
Nicole Everington commented
I need to add Aged Receivable and Aged Payable PDF reports to other documents using a PDF editor. All our reports are in Landscape so at the moment I have 30 odd pages in Landscape and 2 or 3 portrait. It looks unprofessional.
James Given commented
The default format for reports should be portrait.
Peter Haworth commented
Can't understand why this isn't a default option for all reports, but particularly the Account Transactions report. This fix needs to be prioritised over fiddling with report formats and removing long used and established Financial Report formats. What makes you think you know better me what formats I want to present my reports to my clients (speaking as an accountant)??