Contact: Email notification - Notify all users or nominated users when supplier bank account changes.
Ability to have email notification to all users/nominated users when supplier bank account changes.
Purpose: So all people in Xero orgs will immediately know if there’s any unusual activity in supplier bank account detail.

Melody Deng commented
Please implement, it's critical to improve internal controls.
Penelope Gardiner commented
Please implement, to strengthen internal controls of Xero.
Rachael Rutherford commented
Please implement. A critical improvement to improve internal controls.
Les Harvey commented
This is a key control and protectiion, I really don't know why Xero haven't implemented it despite much support for it
Kiri Howe commented
This is important please make this urgent as this is very critical for any business or organisation using Xero.
Thomas Allison commented
This is crucial. This would make fraud identification much simpler and is an important internal control.
Davide Caloni commented
This is very significant to strengthen controls environment.
Ashly Warner commented
This is crucial. Please implement ASAP. The current set up either gives users access to make bank account changes or not - this insufficient for efficient AP management. AP still need access to make changes to bank accounts, but they need checks and balances in place for any changes made.
Nicole Stafford commented
This is a critical control for internal audit and fraud identification. Development should complete this ASAP
Karen Jefferson commented
Any progress on this - I am sure we use to get an alert a few years ago so not sure why this is no longer active
Hayley Forkgen commented
All changes to bank accounts is a serious fraud avoidance matter!! Notifying other nominated users when supplier bank accounts are changed should be implemented without delay - and given this feature operates in Payroll, it shouldn't be that hard to roll out to Supplier bank accounts!!! We have experienced theft from our business directly as a result of not realising that supplier bank accounts were being changed! Please implement this urgently!!! This is a massive short-sightedness on XERO's part in my opinion - and I otherwise love XERO products!
Les Harvey commented
I have previously raised a request that an alert be sent our when a bank accout is changed. This is an internal control process is needed due to the prevalence of fraudulent bank account scams.
This facility is available in payroll, when will it be available in Contacts / AP?
The lack of this feature is a serious disadvantage for Xero.
Regards, Les
Elliot Moore commented
Very important, this is needed asap
Carolyn Parker commented
Very important so that the administrator is notified of any authorised or unauthorised changes.
Janelle Jordan commented
This is also a requirement from our Auditors. It seems silly to not be able to nominate who gets advised of bank account details updates.
Natalie Scott commented
Can you please listen to the feedback here and make this a priority. Sending an alert to the person that made the change as your security measure makes no sense at all.
Krisztina Szabo-Rohonczi commented
This is imperative in this time and age.
Pam Gove commented
I suspect that auditors will appreciate this function as a way of ensuring that bank accounts are not changed fraudulently
Christopher Enger commented
This is a fundamental requirement for a system like Xero in 2024. Realistically if this feature isn't added in the near future we will have to reconsider our continued usage of Xero.
Leanne Apiata commented
Our auditor wants to make sure that when a new supplier gets added to xero that the bank account is checked by a second user. This is the same for any edits to an existing supplier that a second user checks the bank account.