Manual Journal - Ability to set default for 'Show journal on cash basis reports'
Ability to set as default whether the "Show journal on cash basis reports" should be ticked or un-ticked on manual journals
Purpose: Because accountants that does the annual journals for clients who do their own GST we don't usually want these journals to show the late GST claims

Tao Chen commented
it is ridiculous that xero has not fixed this BUG after so many requests! Maybe it is time to switch to a different platform.
Ben Cambage commented
This is definitely needed. We want to have the 'show journal on cash basis reports' unticked for all clients as we include cash reports in our Management Accounts.
There should be an option to choose your default within the Practice.
It is a pain and can sometimes be missed.
Linda Neo commented
Manuals journals should not fall under cash basis by default. The default should change. This is a weird setup.
Tim Burgess commented
I'm now importing a couple of hundred journal entries into Xero every month. Having to go through and untick this box on every single one is getting a little ridiculous
Amy Tieszen commented
Would like the feature to change when choosing one manually to another. It does not change our reports.
Kris Milovsorov commented
Insane that this is the default based on how journals are fundamentally used. Really needs to be changed. You can't even journal to a bank account assuming it has been set-up as such. Madness.
Olga Travkina commented
but apparently this idea does not have many votes still....this is disappointing that they can not fix it because of that
can we get more people to vote for it? -
Sam Gray commented
Correct Edwin. It's not really a feature request - it's more like a bug that Rod Drury or someone put in Xero in the early days 😅
edwin tang commented
If I am not remembering it wrong, someone requested this 7 or 8 years ago, when the Xero community was still there.
Sam Gray commented
Ludicrous that journals are set to Show journal on cash basis reports by default 🥴
That's why we do journals, to ACCRUE things that don't hit the bank account. -
Raymond Isaac commented
Totally agree, journal should be defaulted to be excluded from cash reports
Olga Travkina commented
This is critical for Cash Flow reports as we usually do not want the accruals and prepayments journals to show on Cash Flow report, but as the journals are automatically marked to show on cash basis this is disturbing the Cash flow report. Need to find those journals and untick them every time if we forget to remove the tick when making the journal.
Iain Weir commented
Total madness to have journals defaulted to be included in cash basis reports. Journals are an accounting entry 99.9% of the time not a cash entry.
Sean Rushton commented
Started using cash reports where we didn't use them before. They are useless because this for some reason defaults to ticked. Cash movements generally get processed through bank accounts, journals are generally used for non-cash transactions.
The option to set the default ourselves is best, but failing this, journals should default as non-cash transactions. -
Anna Kozlova commented
critically necessary. we lost a lot of time unticking boxed which should not be there in the first place
Chorus Executive Finance commented
Agree. I am constantly un-ticking this box. In the settings for the company there should be an option to control the default setting.
Catherine Brook commented
Most journals are not cash transactions so should be changed!
Tim Burgess commented
Manual journals are almost never cash transactions so it makes no sense for this to be the default
Deb McGrice commented
Without this feature we are continually changing the default for each journal we do.
Leah Cother commented
Without this feature we are continually changing the default for each journal we do.