Contact - Business Number (ABN) verification check
Ability to search details of an ABN against the ABN register, from within Xero.
Purpose: To see if the contact within Xero has valid ABN or not.

Hi everyone, thanks for voting and sharing your feedback here.
From the Contacts page you can already click the quick link to the official ABN lookup page to verify a number yourself. Our product team have reviewed the commentary here and appreciate that the ability to do this from within Xero would enhance the process, however at this stage there are no firm plans or timelines surrounding this. As always we'll be sure to return here if there's more news to share 📢
Naomi Hodgson commented
MYOB has this feature so it really can't be that hard!!
Antoinette Micallef commented
MYOB has a feature where the letters ABN appear near the suppliers business name in green if the suppliers' details are up to date and orange if they are not up to date.
This enables us to see at a glance if the company details are still up to date. It is our legal responsibility to ensure that the supplier we are paying is still registered and to deduct additional tax if they are no longer registered.
It is unrealistic of Xero to expect its users to log in the the ABN Look-up website each time we are about to pay a supplier, particularly when so many of us are paying numerous suppliers each week.
I have noticed that Xero has finally been replying to these comments by saying that these requests are not in the pipeline in the foreseeable future. Is this the best you can do? You are falling behind. We have already changed our management program and the accounting program will at this rate be next.
V Fraser commented
as usual the Xero team lets down it's customers. :( seriously tempted to go back to myob after 2 years of disappointments with Xero.
Antoinette Micallef commented
MYOB has the letters ABN in green next to the supplier's name indicating that they are still registered.
This is such an efficient way of checking businesses are still registered. No need to open up ABN Check online and type in the ABN.
If the leters ABN are in orange, their ABN is no longer current. -
Wendy Constance commented
Can't believe this still hasn't' been implemented. Reckon has been doing it for years, and it's so much more convenient when entering and checking suppliers ABN and GST status.
Karina Nilson-Mills commented
Have the ABN lookup activated on Xero, so we do not need to search elsewhere for the ABN to see if it is valid and if is it currently registered for GST. Quickbooks just implemented this I have heard, and though it would be a great tool to have.
Freya Pieroz commented
I remember when Xero used to do this, or something that looked like this, back when I first started using it...
Apeksha Udupa commented
Oh it'd be so much better & time saving.
Mitch Hancock commented
Would save us a lot of time when preparing annual reporting - clients don't want to pay for manual work because we use Xero over MYOB and they shouldn't have to
Zian Winter commented
I think this is a great idea
Peter Lalor commented
Stephanie Todio commented
Great idea!
Archie Hogg commented
Love it
Chona Meman commented
it will be efficiently handy
James Lokos commented
Great idea!
Chris Foster commented
absolutely critical to our business moving forward, please prioritise where possible
Andrew Girvan commented
What a tremendous idea, Juan
Juan Nieto commented
MYOB has a feature where supplier invoices will show status of an ABN including when it was registered, entity type, trading name, post code and GST registration status. It also allows to report straight to ATO via TPAR. Essentially, we have access to ABN lookup straight from the software.
This would be very helpful for both preparation of activity statements and TPARS.
Peter Riddell commented
We used to search Companies House, now use a credit agency subscription which gives us more detail when carrying out due dilligence on suppliers and customers. ABN verification would be helpful initially, VAT number check too
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
This is a great idea! This could make data entry much faster by auto populating any data from the ABN search.