Projects: Reporting - Bills assigned to a Project
Ability to to show periods of bills that haven't been matched to a Xero project.
Purpose: to confirm that all bills are being assigned to properly to Project.

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience. Ability to view bills that have not been assigned to a project is now live to 100% of users.
To access this feature;
- Click the 3 dot drop down menu from the Bills list screen
- Select 'Bills not assigned to projects'
You'll be taken to a page where you c an select the date range for viewing bills that have not been assigned to a project in your organisation, where you can then edit and assign each bill.
Alternatively, go to Projects and select Add > Expenses from bill to get to the same screen.On a separate note - taking on your recent feedback I do want to confirm that this feature is limited to Bills at present and does not extend to Sales invoices.
We understand the importance of being able to make use and understand dates associated to projects - We made some updates to our help over the past few months to explain the dates used when reporting on Projects. When it comes to sales invoices assigned to Projects these will be reported based on the date of the invoice, when the revenue is realised. To capture both dates at which an expense and revenue related to a single project is realised you'll need to run the report for a date range to view both the expenses (billed) date and revenue (invoiced) date.
Kris Sparks commented
@xero product team - please can you explain how this is not seen as a priority / gap in functionality - especially when time is spent on delivering items like compacting the bank rec screen....
Many businesses I work with subscribed to the Projects module as a replacement to using the TRACKING function (limited to 100 items) which always had an UN-ALLOCATED option to easily identify items not tracked. This was obviously considered key as the Tracking functionality was being designed and developed.
Was there any user input as Projects was developed from 'real-world' management accounting users? Showing items not linked to Projects would seem to be an obvious, key item to include in acceptance testing..
As echoed in other posts, the inability to have confidence in the data without checking every transaction individually does not provide a commercially viable Project Reporting function. If Projects was free / included in core Xero it may be a take it or leave decision but Xero collects around £5 / user / month so I would hope are committed to providing a fit for purpose solution.
I recently opened a ticket to see if support could give any update but got the general response - ' while it may be important for your business, no plans to address...'. Quite a patronising view to suggest the need for data integrity in a Project Reporting system is a niche requirement.
Could your product team give this some serious consideration and come back with a response to us please to help understand why this is in Tracking but not Projects? -
jon Allen commented
It has been like this for literally years with active campaigns to make Projects usable. Projects was inserted into Xero and the date recorded in Projects is the date the transaction gets posted to projects which is a useless date from a project account standpoint. For 2 years I have been ticking off individual transactions and making adjustments.
You might also ask why you can't get a report that includes quotes on it? what is the point n having this feature and then not being able to present Quote less invoiced = amount to invoice
Finally and perhaps a step to far but if you have stock which you supply to projects....dummy bill (with project)+dummy credit note (no project) - not a great solution.
The purpose of project accounting is management information and reporting - if 1. reporting is incomplete 2. reporting is date inaccurate 3 it is terribly difficult to validate the numbers to accounting systems- it kind of fails in it's primary purpose
Yumei Lin commented
Please make this as your first priority! This feature is so so so important to people who uses Xero Projects. It is not efficient, both time and cost, to check each bill individually!!!
Angie Marlow commented
The lack of this functionality is a huge omission, meaning accurate project costing reconciliations are impossible, other than checking through hundreds of transactions manually, which is not an option.
David Huggett commented
Would be really great to run a report showing all expenses and which project they'd been allocated to - or if they haven't been allocated as they were missed.
I agree, this feature should be for Bills and Invoices and is very crucial! i am so surprised why xero haven't thought about this and implemented it already. We moved away from Zoho which had this feature
Emma Woolhouse commented
Hi all
this item appears to have a similar aim and is at status working on?
Sofia Perkins commented
Is there an update on this request? Would it be possible to also produce a report showing sales invoices not included in a project (could be unassigned by mistake)?
The projects module needs to improve urgently to make it fit for purpose. We also need the ability to link purchase orders to projects. -
Josh Buesking commented
Xero talk means nothing.
When they update this to planned I know will have it in a year. :)
Projects could be a very good solution if they would finish it.
Need project specific addresses, assign PO, report to show all assigned transactions/bills, and a report to show all not assigned to project.
Then a better API.
MJ Bushell (Practice login) commented
Come on Xero - let us know you are working on this please! Surely, its not that difficult to implement. It makes the Xero Projects an unworkable software without the option to show which Bills haven't been assigned.
Joe Coniglio commented
Xero your costing us MONEY.
We need this report and we need it now.
Prue Hyland commented
I have changed over to Xero from MYOB which had fantastic job costing. I was unaware of projects lacking the ability to pull a report to easily double check expenses are allocated to a project. Very disappointing. Paying for the Projects and then lacking this simple feature is not acceptable. I have no doubt you will loose customers if it isn't corrected immediatly
Iain Corby commented
Thanks to Jacinta for contacting Xero - I began trying to do so myself yesterday but realised I had no idea how to do so!
Great there is some sign of action - hopefully their development lifecycle for a minor feature is faster than our own (6 months even in a crisis!)
Lee Grant commented
At last this is gathering momentum, can’t stress how urgent this is.
Please act asap -
It is very crucial for us to be able to have a report that can show each bill or invoice and which project has been allocated to it. That way if we accidently forgot to allocate or assign a project we can click on the bill or invoice and assign the project to it!
Jacinta McGregor commented
Hey all. I have spoken to Xero and they are looking at putting something in for this. Very exciting so watch this space :)
Cleo Aldas commented
It is a huge priority especially since we have to allocate a lot of invoices and bills per project after publishing it from Hubdoc. It takes a lot of time to check each invoices and bills one by one.
Josh Buesking commented
I agree this needs huge priority. It's not and has been requested from day 1 5 years ago.
It should read in big red letters when signing up projects has no way of reconcilation to not mislead new users like what happened to me.
As much as I like Xero, the projects functionality is severally lacking and I can't see me using Xero next fiscal.
Alison Grocott commented
Given Xero charge for projects this reporting functionality to ensure costs are not missed is absolutely fundamental and should be addressed as a matter of priority. Please allocate some resources to this Xero instead of things like changing the look of a perfectly good bank rules screen!!!!!