Projects Reporting - Add invoice number and reference to project reports
I would like to check which invoices are not allocated to a project and check for each project, which invoices have been allocated.

HI everyone, thanks for your engagement and support here. I know it's been a while since we updated and I'm pleased to be able to share the improvements we've made to add Invoice Number and Invoice Reference as optional columns to the Project Details report😁
When you next open the report, use the 'Columns' option to add each of these detail. You'll also find you can now Filter by either option too!
jon Allen commented
Michael Hawes commented
This is vital for my client as well - he took Projects on his former book-keeper's advice, and now has a lot of data that he doesn't trust and can't really look at to correct it. This app isn't useful until this is delivered.
Anneke Pienaar commented
This is critical for our company, as creditors Reporting is currently being done manually
Anneke Pienaar commented
Hi I like the new Report where supplier details are added in, but this report would be even more effective if you can add customer invoice and status of customer invoice eg, Paid; awaiting payment; not invoiced
Sue Norman commented
After reading all the comments on here with regards to the Xero Projects function I am reluctant to introduce this to a client in the construction industry working on jobs that need costs tracked. Can anyone recommend a third party app that syncs with Xero to support a construction industry client?
Nuno Costa commented
We still have this issue. The projects report doesn't give the invoices numbers and the invoices report doesn't give the project number.
Justin McMillan commented
I am also still waiting for a resolution to this. Each month I manually have to drill into each invoice and bill to check it has been allocated to the correct project.
Leona Kelly commented
Has there been any progress on this suggestion please? It is business critical for many businesses, in fact many businesses assume this functionality exists and it is only when they have significant accounting issues do they reaslise that their whole project accounting basis is flawed...
small reporting updates could aid towards bridging this gap, eg Is there any report in Xero which shows general ledger transactions with assigned project?
THERE IS A GLITCH IN PROJECT REPORTING: whereby lines on bills with 0unit can be assigned to project [as £0] but show on all project report at full cost - thereby inflating costs for the proect
this is a critical issue as it causes all project reporting to be meaningless to anyone who understands that the project and general ledger are not reconciled!! It causes clients to lose trust in Xero reporting... on which they have been making operational decisions for some time!!
Shirley Rhodes commented
I completely agree. This is a fundamental part of the projects app which I pay lots of money for. We should be able to see all the bills that have been assigned a project and any bills that have been unassigned. I am currently reconciling budgets for my client and it's only because I know the project that I know a cost should have hit the project. As my team grows, I will be less involved in the delivery and I perhaps won't pick up on missed items.
Please please please ensure this reporting function is created a priority.
Justin McMillan commented
It would be very helpful to be able to drill into the cost or invoice after running a Project Financials report. Or at least have the option to choose the invoice or reference number to get more information.
Leona Kelly commented
Has there been any progress on the "working on it"?
I have a client who's accounting is entirely project driven and I can't see any clear way of auditing their accounts via Xero at present... Any pointers to avail reports in Xero would be much appreciated...
jon Allen commented
It has been like this for literally years with active campaigns to make Projects usable. Projects was inserted into Xero and the date recorded in Projects is the date the transaction gets posted to projects which is a useless date from a project account standpoint. For 2 years I have been ticking off individual transactions and making adjustments.
You might also ask why you can't get a report that includes quotes on it? what is the point n having this feature and then not being able to present Quote less invoiced = amount to invoice
Finally and perhaps a step to far but if you have stock which you supply to projects....dummy bill (with project)+dummy credit note (no project) - not a great solution.
The purpose of project accounting is management information and reporting - if 1. reporting is incomplete 2. reporting is date inaccurate 3 it is terribly difficult to validate the numbers to accounting systems- it kind of fails in it's primary purpose
Leona Kelly commented
Is there any report in Xero which shows general ledger transactions with assigned project?
I have a client who has identified a significant glitch whereby lines on bills with 0unit can be assigned to project [as £0] but show on all project report at full cost - thereby inflating costs for the project!!
I causes project reporting to become totally meaningless and even when the error hasnt happened now means they have no faith in the project reporting in case...
This is crucial as we also need to do a report to check if all our invoices have been assigned to a project or not just as it is crucial doing the same with the bills!