Projects: Reporting - Bills assigned to a Project
Ability to to show periods of bills that haven't been matched to a Xero project.
Purpose: to confirm that all bills are being assigned to properly to Project.

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience. Ability to view bills that have not been assigned to a project is now live to 100% of users.
To access this feature;
- Click the 3 dot drop down menu from the Bills list screen
- Select 'Bills not assigned to projects'
You'll be taken to a page where you c an select the date range for viewing bills that have not been assigned to a project in your organisation, where you can then edit and assign each bill.
Alternatively, go to Projects and select Add > Expenses from bill to get to the same screen.On a separate note - taking on your recent feedback I do want to confirm that this feature is limited to Bills at present and does not extend to Sales invoices.
We understand the importance of being able to make use and understand dates associated to projects - We made some updates to our help over the past few months to explain the dates used when reporting on Projects. When it comes to sales invoices assigned to Projects these will be reported based on the date of the invoice, when the revenue is realised. To capture both dates at which an expense and revenue related to a single project is realised you'll need to run the report for a date range to view both the expenses (billed) date and revenue (invoiced) date.
Simon Fowler commented
Without this I cannot be sure that project reports are accurate.
Why can I list sales invoices and see they are assigned to projects but cannot do the same with bills? If I could it would be a workaround -
Aimee Campbell commented
This is a must... especially with the current issue of not always being able to assign to projects. Would also like a report showing invoices allocated as we have so many instances where the assignment drops off. This would be such a simple easy way to double check and correct everything after the rush of getting invoices out in a timely manner
Leanne Barrett commented
A report to show what invoices haven't been allocated to a project would be so helpful to make sure that jobs are always invoiced correctly and nothing is missed.
Mariah Goode commented
This is a must and from what I can see has been asked for over and over again.
How do we get this done? -
James fraser commented
The ability to identify bills that have not been assigned to a project is critical in ensuring all bills are recharged to clients
Wynn Owen commented
This is an essential report required for accuracy. Please add this as a matter of urgency!
Alan Ho commented
I share the same feeling for the below folks.
Hi, I just wonder if xero can produce reports which match each individual sale and direct cost transaction for a particular financial period. The reason is that I would like to check if any sale / direct cost missed out. (i.e. sale created in xero but direct cost missed out or vice versa.)
I have assigned each sale and direct cost to the project. And I can review each individual sale and direct cost under the project. However, I am not sure the sale / direct cost has been properly input in xero in a particular financial year.
So, a report which in column A list up all the sale; column B list up the corresponding direct cost with column C the profit for each project (C=A-B) will be helpful. I can check each project's profit in column C.
Can xero catering this? or I can create such a report? Thank you very much.
Josh Buesking commented
What’s most alarming is this has 100’s of votes and was requested back in 2018 if I remember correctly. Before they changed to new platform for requests.
So that’s 4 years of not even marking it under consideration.
So if they do decide to consider it’s probably another two years before implementing.
But he we got a fancy app launcher!
Pauline Sargisson commented
To me this should have been a no brainer when Projects was devised! The purpose of an accounting package is to help businesses with ensuring they capture all their income and expenses. Projects works great except for this one last failing where it is impossible to know if all costs have been assigned without manually checking every invoice - this just isnt practical. PLEEEEAAASE Xero team, can you sort this one out asap??! It is costing your clients in lost revenue because of this lack of cross checking ability
Oh and am positive that the number of votes for this task is inaccurate - I have requested this before, probably on another thread, that had a huge number of votes...
Lee Grant commented
Seems like such an obvious and easy fix
Josh Buesking commented
Without this projects is not accurate.
It will never be done though due to the way projects syncs with accounting. It's only one way. Projects does not write to accounting transactions.
Ryan Vandegrift commented
This would be extremely valuable to "reconcile" all expenses in projects.
Ellie Sweeney commented
Incredibly important or even to be able to run an accounts transaction report and see which project the transactions is tagged to.
Dee Bennett commented
its a must!!
Josh Buesking commented
This is by far the single biggest missing feature in projects.
Michael van Zwanenberg commented
Please, please add this!
Matt Fletcher commented
Desperately need this. Currently takes hours to go through all transactions to ensure everything is logged against a project
Kelye Lieshout commented
We are currently having to reconcile two different reports at the end of month (which is very time consuming) to ensure no bills have been missed in the assigning stage. It is currently impossible to run a payables report with a project name column.
Jemima Garthwaite commented
This would be an incredibly useful check - currently impossible to see if any invoices/bills have slipped through the net!
Tanya Whittaker commented
A report to show when expenses have not been assigned to a project would be good, at the moment it is impossible to see if any have been missed off and this affects our figures at month end!