Reporting - Report that shows Repeating Invoices
Users in Xero can see the figures of the repeating invoices.
Purpose: Users can easily see the figures and forecast their sales, especially those who are having many repeating invoices.

Jenene Hall commented
An export feature for Repeating invoices would be great.
Anna Clemann commented
Time to get onto this Xero!
Vicky Fabian commented
This seems an obvious report to have. Is there any reason why we can't generate a report on all repeating invoices?
Bee Hesketh commented
Been asking for this for years. Why add a feature like repeating invoices and not include the most basic of reports/features to support it? Over 90% of our invoices are repeating.
Robert Walker commented
Also - as others have said - export to CSV for easy use in Excel
Shannon W commented
Just let us do some budgeting and forecasting! Report by period or let us export and do it ourselves. Just something to help up forecast better
Josh Moore commented
Since Xero haven't committed to developing this feature yet, the app BeanBox solves these exact problems. Here's the link:
It gives instant automated forecasts for repeating invoices for the next 12 months (and 36 month forecasts are coming soon). Plus it shows reminders about repeating invoices that are expiring, it shows forecasts by tracking codes too if you're using those in Xero, forecasts per customer, and it gives the ability to search and filter across your repeating invoices in ways that you can't do in Xero, to quickly find repeating invoice line items. There are options to export all your repeating invoices and forecasts to Excel too.
Karen Hooper commented
Also add the ability to export all the repeating invoices to Excel or PDF.
Clare Brooks commented
If the Xero team are looking into this, could they consider being able to access/edit data of these repeating invoices on mass, so either in a table or with a upload/download capacity so if we needed to change the reference on all of them it could be done quickly rather than individually as we have to now. Thank you
Doni Atanasova commented
We also have more than 350 repeating invoices. It's good to have a detailed report showing items, description, net, vat etc. for reconciliation purposes and forecasting as well.
Susie Little commented
We issue c450 repeating invoices a month - currently we have no way to export a list of them out to Excel. Judging by the comments here, we're not the only ones seriously frustrated by this lack of functionality.
Sort it out, Xero, please.
Richard Kemp commented
How can we audit that our invoices are correct without the ability to Print/Export them?! We have over 200 recurring invoices each month and need to ensure these are correct (at least annually).
Progratically this would be a simple thing to implement something to alleviate a situation that is causing a great deal of ongoing frustration in Xero clients. I've seen posts dating back over a decade though so maybe Xero doesn't give a **** about retaining market share. Xero won the market by being inovative when MYOB dropped the ball, seems there's another opportunity for another provider now. -
Clare Wyld commented
Can't believe repeating invoices and repeating bills are so hard to include in reports - I would imagine a high proportion of businesses have switched to subscription models.
Samantha Spriggs commented
Yes, we definately need this functionality. I need to ensure and cross reference repeating invoices with our database to ensure not missing anyone!
Lois Bulch commented
We also need to have the option to include repeating invoices in projected profit and loss reports. As it is now, in order to ensure I have all the invoices in AND ********* our customized P&L report, I have to input all of our invoices manually (750 vs 75 if I could do them as repeating) just for one of our products alone. We also moved from Sage to Xero for better functionality but this one offers less than Sage in this regard.
Audra Houghton commented
90-95% of my invoices are repeating.
I currently have to run a separate spreadsheet to get totals by billing period, forecasts, etc. This is far from ideal, it is very time-consuming and invites errors.
Repeating invoice reports would save time and the opportunity for mistakes to occur.
I'm obviously not alone, being the 89th to vote. -
Yangbin Ma commented
1. Able to copy repeat invoices;
2. Able to sum up monthly total;Thank you.
Lesley Thomas commented
Report for repeating invoices by product.
It would be very useful to be able to print off a report by product to list all clients where a repeating invoice has been raised for that product.
Thomas Ruellan commented
Need sales forecast report
Kevin Rother commented
With repeating invoices it appears that Xero do not listen to their clients. How flippin hard is it to enable Repeating Invoices to be exported to an excel spreadsheet. Disgraceful.
Also, one of my favourite reports "Customer Invoice Report" is being retired. It is such a quick, easy and very useful report to be replaced by what. A more clunky Aged Receivables report.
Not a happy customer at this stage
Kevin Rother