Bank Reconciliation - Sort and Filter
Add Sort and Filter to the Main reconciliation screen.

Hi team, back again to let everyone know that the recent changes in Bank Reconciliation page have now been rolled out to 100% of users. 🎉
As mentioned in my last update this includes a bar at the top of the page so you can search and filter statement lines based on your preferred criteria, and the options to the right side of the Search enable you to set a date or amount range to help filter down your view.😁 You now also have the ability to view up to 50 unreconciled statement lines on one page - See our blog for more recent updates
We thank you all for your contributions in this idea. I know there are some that are interested in still seeing the ability to sort from this view, and I wanted to share the new idea that's been raised where we'll begin to track this specifically as a possible future improvement.
Marco Muñiz commented
I have 345 unreconciled items because no real human being reconciles on a daily basis.
On the other hand, in my hand you'll see I hold a bunch of GST receipts waiting to be reconciled.
I am faced with very limiting options for me to do this quickly and efficiently. Why do I say this?:
1. On the 'Reconcile' tabI cannot filter or search by the amount or even date.
2. I can only see around 12 transactions per page. I can't see, let's say 50 per page.
3. The 'Account Transactions ' tab seems to show all reconciled and unreconciled transactions. Hurray!!... But what happens next?? Search results won't show unreconciled transactions.How... the name of (insert here)... come up with such a creative approach?
janine moore commented
Filter to show unreconciled invoices
Kwei Ma commented
and search. so people can locate a specific transaction to reconcile
[Deleted User] commented
I think it would benefit many users if there was a search function on the Bank Reconciliation pages, sometimes it is quite painful to click through every page doing ctrl / cmd F to find a transaction.
Aleksandr Novikov commented
Extremely important!!!!! Xero please look into this should not be that difficult.
paul Louws commented
Sort and filter go well together, eg: Filter by a $ value and Sort answers by date.
I would also like to be able to filter by only SPENT or only RECEIVED, one rarely reconciles both at the same time!
I am so waiting for these overdue enhancements, thx Paul
Thamil Jey commented
It will save a lot of time reconciling the bank.
Charlotte Gaskell commented
On the bank reconciliation ability to search by date, amount or description and match proposed. This would make matching far faster rather than having to make a guess as to which page the item is on. This has been asked before.
Laura Butler commented
it would be really helpful to be able to sort the list of items of items to reconcile on the bank reconciliation by person. it would make it much easier to see when there are several payments or receipts from the same person
Mari Benade commented
Good day,
I would like to make a suggestion for the Xero design team. When you have a lot of historical transactions to reconcile on the bank account and you are looking for a specific transactions it is very time consuming to click through all the pages when you are looking for that specific transactions.
Would it be possible to add a search button to search that specific transactions date or amount.
Thank you in advance
Jack Milner commented
This would be a great addition and would be very helpful. Hopefully a search function can be added as well as having to go through 20+ pages of bank reconciliation screens to find one transaction can be frustrating
Libby Bray commented
Amazing idea!
Laura Sharpe commented
The search function being added to the reconcile tab on the bank accounts would be super useful, not just the bank statements and account transactions tab.
Linda Bates commented
Being able to filter transactions with a bank match or rule would be awesome too!
Gina Kontos commented
PLEASE let there be a search by contact name or by amount for unreconciled items. Would make such a difference and save so much time!
Cheera Taylor commented
sort or search by 'Reference' would make a world of difference!
Christie Goodwin commented
When a customer has many unreconciled transactions and supplies paperwork to be added to one, it would be handy to search by date or amount rather than guess which page you may need to go by. This feature could help. Also the back and next page buttons at the top and bottom would be great.
AdminDana A (Admin, Xero) commented
Thank you for submitting your idea, Andrew! Can see how this feature can benefit your workflow.
We'll get to see the interest from community here.
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
Ability to search unreconciled items in a bank account.
Purpose: To save users’ time rather than having to scroll through multiple pages to find the transaction.
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
Ability to automatically match the oldest invoice to the newest.
Purpose: To make users’ save time from manually matching the same transaction from the same client/supplier.