AU Payroll - Include date range in exported version of Payment Summary Details report
When running the Payment Summary Details report for a previous financial year, the report does not show the dates of the financial year the data belongs to. The report is titled Payment Summary Details as at Today's Date. For example: it should show Payment Summary Details reporting period 1st July 2017 - 30th June 2018. For audit purposes, there is no way of determining the date range the reported data relates to.

Natasha Tonkin commented
Agree the 'Payment Summary Details' report needs more flexibilty/options to search, filter and sort info by
For example - selected by multiple date ranges not just annual (as some clients don't have different financial years eg 1/1/23-31/12/24 or 1/7/23-30/06/24) and some Workcover bodies (ICARE) asks for random dates not related to financial years Feb23 - Feb24 etc.
We need to be able to generate this report by month or quarter, for Payroll Tax, Workcover and/or Portable long service leave reporting.
It would be great if this report also included columns for Employment type (FT, PT, Casual, apprentice), the employee's State/post code where they live and employment start date and end date.
Freya Pieroz commented
As it currently stands, I do not know just by looking at it whether this report includes the payrun I ran on Monday 1st July 2024 for the payroll period ending 30 June 2024, and because Payment Summaries should only include payments made during the financial year being reported, this is quite a problem.
Freya Pieroz commented
As of today's date (4th July 2024) the Payment Summary Details report now shows that it is reporting as of the first day of the financial year after the financial year that it covers.
Which is Wrong. It implies that it is the payment summary (for the financial year including the date given ie 2025 in the screenshots) as at the given date when it is as at the day prior (and for the financial year ending the day prior ie 2024). This report does not give a fair and accurate picture of the accounts and therefore fails at basic accounting standards.
Sonia Partridge commented
All payroll reports need to show the dates of the pay week payments belong to - eg Pay Date 31/08/23 - the period this payment is for needs to be shown (pay period 24/08/2023 to 30/08/2023)
We employ Apprentices and do receive some Government funding for our apprentices. The government agencies require to see the pay week payments relate to. Without this, we don't receive funding. MYOB can show pay week dates along with payment dates on all their payroll reports.
Sandra Reed commented
Yes. I just submitted case CX0012992654 for reporting period missing from Payroll Summary Details Report.
Just having the "as at date" does not make sense if you are not able to also include period being reported.
If you create this report for auditors in July or August and are not able to demonstrate that the reporting period is for 01 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 then the report fails the audit requirement.
Naomi Gibbins commented
Yep, my auditors asked me exactly this question last month - they were not impressed.
Naomi Gibbins commented
This is essential - my auditors queried this just last month. I printed out the relevant reports as per their request & then I couldn't prove that I'd done the correct date range! Xero really needs to get this on the report.
Vicki Carlisle commented
Commonsense to put the related date on the report!
Kate Underhill commented
The Payment Summary Details Report needs to clearly show to/from dates on the report. If I run several Payment Summary Details Reports today for multiple financial years, all reports are titled exactly the same: Payment Summary Details as at Todays Date. There is no way to tell which financial year these figures belong to. I cannot send this to clients to verify because they can't tell which period they're looking at. This would not pass an audit.