Fixed Asset - Partial disposal of an asset
Would be good to have a function within fixed asset register that allows to part dispose of an asset and to revalue.

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing your support for part disposal of Fixed Assets in Xero. Being transparent - current work for the team requires focus on upgrades to Fixed Asset technology.
However, we’re thinking of what comes next and partial disposal of an asset figures strongly in this. Please continue to detail your particular use cases here in Product Ideas.
As we continue forming the future of Fixed Assets in Xero insights from Product Ideas here will feed into the team's plans.
Catherine Howell commented
I totally agree. It would also be good to be able to add to an asset when it is modified or improved. APS has a module where you can add value to an asset at a set date which rolls over into the following year as one calculation on the total. You can also sell part of an asset and just need to enter detail about what portion of the original cost price to use for the depreciation recovered or capital gain calculation. I am dealing with this reasonably often as is a colleague I sit near. We struggle with how to deal with it as it stands
Karen Hosty commented
I think it would be good if Xero responded to all the comments requesting this facility, I don't think I've seen any updates from them after their post on 13.07.22.
Gideon Gideon commented
It needs to be updated for the feature of partially disposed of fixed assets, It will help us to reconcile the list of fixed assets in Xero. Please added that feature as soon as possible.
Lorraine Laplante commented
Agreed, this is a basic critical feature that should be part of any accounting program, this needs addressing. This causes imbalance in fixed asset module if people start using manual entries to fix costs and accumulated depreciation to avoid the removal of complete asset to add back in partial (which makes no accounting sense)
Evelyn Burns commented
Part disposal of assets is a critical feature that should be added. As an accountant, I was a bit surprised that this is not currently available as it is common for assets to be partially disposed in my experience.
The number of comments on this page alone suggest this would be a highly valued functionality.
Luke Harber commented
Fixed assets module - allow an asset to be split. This would be useful in cases where an asset was purchased as a group but not all of the group are being sold/disposed at once.
Gillian Peoples commented
As per earlier comments. Partial disposal of a fixed asset needed.
Henrik Maier commented
We also came across this issue as we purchased a set of furniture and now have disposed of some tables and shelves. There is no way to do this in Xero atm.
Looks like we have to run a separate Spreadsheet to manage our fixed assets rather using Xero. -
Mark Lee commented
Any update on this as this is needed by many businesses or the revalue part
Kim Hamill commented
This is a critical function that must be required by a multitude of businesses. Please advise of an update. I have also inherited a client where multiple assets are grouped together. It's not uncommon to purchase a group of assets, computers for example, and then have to dispose of one or two as they no longer work..
Tania Newcombe commented
Is there any update on when this feature will be made available? I have inherited a fixed assets register in Xero with multiple assets grouped together. It is not ideal to have to delete assets and then re-add them in prior locked periods
John Dent commented
As well as partial disposals it would be ideal to be able to incrementally add to to asset that is built/acquired in more than one financial year
Kelvin Lee commented
Hi Xero, will this feature be included with the increased price in July 2024? The future of Fixed Assets in Xero, as seen from Product Ideas, seems very gloomy.
Libby Bourke commented
Really need this asap. We have moved our business and got rid of quite a few assets but unfortunately some are partial sales and I can't process these in Xero so our fixed asset register is incorrect now.
Mel Daly commented
Please can you add a quantity field when adding and disposing assets so you can partially dispose. Much needed feature.
Georjia McLeod commented
Would be great to have this feature available soon
Michael Hanes commented
Please kindly add a partial disposal of fixed assets. Thanks
Julie Copland commented
Hi Xero, is there any update on this? The last update was 18 months ago. Nearly 200 people have gone out of their way to vote for this and comment.
Carissa Dueck Warner commented
Another request for a partial disposal of assets feature to be added. This seems to be a huge demand, and is available in other systems, so we know the capability exists. Any upcoming changes or upgrades to the Fixed Asset Register in Xero should definitely include this.
Tracey Dovey commented
Please prioritise partial disposals in fixed assets!