Contact | List - View 'new' contact and contact group allocation
Currently there is very limited information on the contacts main page. All it has is the name and if they owe or we owe. It would be so useful to see if they are allocated to a Contact Group and what date they were added, and perhaps the last transaction (so we can quickly bulk archive contacts that have not been used for a while). This would make contact management so much easier, as currently we need to click into each contact one-by-one which is just not feasalbe, therefore resulting in a contact system which is very unorganised.

Vicki Carlisle commented
There's so much blank space on the Contact screen - use it to show groups, and/or allow us to choose what columns to show (group, phone number, ABN etc).
Stewart Elsegood commented
would even be more beneficial when you roll over a contact when invoicing to have a NOTE section[ dialog box] you could highlight if there is any issue with the contact before completing a transaction.
Jamie Botten commented
Run a report "Income and expenses by contact"
Then apply the filter described as 'Contact group' then "contacts without a group"... This will display every contact that is not assigned to a group.
This is the nearest and most helpful approach I have found.
Pyroclassic Fires commented
Display the Group data for a contact or a customer in the Customer Tab instead of having to go to each individual customer to see what group they are in. Maybe even export the Group data to excel. Currently you can open the Group to see who is listed but not when you are looking at your Customer List.
Mike Eggleston commented
This feature is really needed to keep the contacts organized efficiently. Not being able to see the group on the contacts page makes it very time consuming to review the group assignments.
Aldina Da Silva commented
I think this is a very import for viewing contacts. It is very time consuming adding Groups to a contact without opening up the contact file. We should be able to see which Contact group they are in from either the All Tab or their individual Group tab.
Stewart Elsegood commented
I agree and even be able to export the group detail to excel
Stewart Elsegood commented
Display the Group data for a contact or a customer in the Customer Tab instead of having to go to each individual customer to see what group they are in. Maybe even export the Group data to excel. Currently you can open the Group to see who is listed but not when you are looking at your Customer List.
Jenny Johns commented
contact groups
I'd like to see which Groups my customers have been assigned to on the contacts page so that I can see which ones haven't been assigned to a Group. It's easy to see which ones have been assigned within the Groups but not which ones haven't.
Tanya Carswell commented
This would solve my issue - an easy way to allocate suppliers to a group without currently exporting all suppliers to a csv, deleting all who aren't relevant and then comparing one by one to an exported csv of the particular group. I would even appreciate being able to customize a smart list for suppliers that would show all who are currently not allocated to any group.
Rhonda Messercola commented
The criteria offered in the Contact Smart Lists are far too limited, and what is available is not useful at all. I would like to run a basic list, for example those customers who have not purchased from my client in the last 2years. I need this so that I can see which customers I should archive. There is currently no way to do this, unless I click into 800 contacts one-by-one. I am not able to keep contacts organised very well at all because of limitations such as this. The number of contacts just grows because it is not easy to manage.