AU Payroll - Ability for timesheets to not override Pay Template
When a Pay Template has been created for an employee, only the matching Earnings Rate should be overwritten by entries in Timesheets. Any other Earnings Rates that are set up in the Pay Template should still should still be available in the Payslip - they shouldn't have to be added back in again when processing the pay run. For instance, Fares & Travel Pattern Allowance needs to be paid over and above the Ordinary Hours recorded on the Timesheet. If it is listed on the Pay Template as an Earnings Rate for an Employee it should appear regardless of whether Timesheets have been used to record Ordinary Hours or not.

Naomi Medlyn commented
What is the point of having fixed items on a pay template if they can be overwritten?
Adam Saunders commented
So confusing for employees to see their hourly rate changing every month.
Employees have had issues applying for mortgages because the banks are questioning why their hourly rate changes every month.
I find it hard to believe that Xero haven't got a better alternative for companies with fixed salary employees.
Please change this ASAP. This is a big bugbear for employees and our owners, it has the potential to make us look for an alternative system.
Molly Walford commented
Allow overtime hours recorded on a timesheet to be added to pay in addition to regular hours. Currently approving a timesheet overrides regular hours.
Brenda Napier commented
It makes total sense that timesheet hours don't override set amounts in a pay template. It is hard to understand why it was programmed to override. So yes please do correct this. It is of particular importance to a client who has a number of employees with a base salary & variable overtime each fortnight. I would think this is a fairly common scenario. They are presently having to correct manually each pay run.
Shane Peverill commented
I have just started using XERO and the idea that something setup in the pay template is overridden by the timesheet seems counter productive and a waste of time, why have a template at all then ?
Lisa Kelly commented
Add in timesheet hours in addition to 'Regular' hours. We have a number of employees with regular hours but the often have extra hours or shifts from our shift program (Deputy). When importing timesheets from Deputy into Xero the extra shifts override the regular hours which results in having to manually add an extra line for the regular hours. The system already allows to have to two lines for 'Ordinary Hours'.
Michael Lowbridge commented
Yes, absolutely critical for some of our part-time employees who also get called in on casual shifts. We are a school.
At the moment we have to re-instate their ordinary hours whenever they do a casual shift.
This is higly inefficient and adds risk to the overall payroll accuracy. -
Rebecca Laguna commented
Robyn Rynaard commented
I would love to have the option to not override the payroll with timesheet entries.
Amy Mulholland commented
This is super important for processing payroll were staff get commission, management fees etc.
Dannielle Reid commented
This is the best idea. it will automate payroll for so many businesses
Valerie McLean commented
I would like Xero to have ability for timesheets to NOT override the Pay Template.
I have a a salaried employee paid a set amount weekly, but when they complete their timesheet it reverts his pay to the actual hours worked(which are sometimes lower and sometimes higher) His contract is set number of hours over an 8 week period. I would love to be able to keep track of his hours and pay a set price per week. -
Grace Thompson commented
Yes !!!!! We need this actioned desperately !!!!!!!
Natalie Smith commented
totally support this request - I have it happen for a client that pays bonuses everyweek and he finds it frustrating adding back the bonus pay item becuase it has been overwritten by timesheets
Bec Woollatt commented
Absolutely agree with Christine! We need this actioned desperately!
Belinda Miller commented
I have many employees that have an on call bonus which is the same amount pay cycle and is set up on their pay template. However, when I add their timesheet this overights the pay template and I then have to go and re enter their on call bonus. This is very time consuming. It is the same amount each pay and every time I have to re enter the on call bonus after I have done their time sheet. Pay templates entries should stay regardless of the timesheet. I also enter the travel allowance but this alters each pay cycle so that is ok but not the on call bonus as it does not change.
Thulasi Vinodh Kumar commented
Xero feature to add pay items by default to payslips even after timesheets are approved.
The issue we face now is that once a timesheet has been approved , if we go back into the payslip, those defaults item disappears and we need to manually pick those from the drop down list.
It would be great to have that feature where earnings rate items are saved even after the timesheets are approved.This will also save us time in choosing, extra pay items such as commission, vehicle claims, bonus etc. from the list.
Dylan Larsen commented
This will be very important for us now that travel can't be added to a timesheet anymore
Lisa Meakin commented
This is very important as certain employees have fixed weekly car allowances but still submit time sheets.
Hayley Baldwin commented
This will save a huge amount of time if this can be rectified