AU Payroll - Ability to calculate Super accruals for U18s working less than 30hrs/wk
Currently, Xero lists a super accrual for employees under the age of 18 when they earn over $450/mth. However, it doesn't take into account how many hours that employee works per week. Under 18s are not eligible to be paid super unless they work over 30 hours per week (even if they earn over $450/mth), but Xero doesn't recognise this. Unfortunately this shows up a s liability for the employer, even though a liability doesn't exist. I know that it can be worked around in the pay run, but it just means extra work for the payroll admin - particularly if they have a lot of employees. Xero should automatically be able to see calculate that an employee is under 18, and whether or not they employee has met the 30hrs per week criteria before calculating any accrual for the employee.

Tarnya Shearman commented
I'm so lucky I noticed this in the first pay run and have only attracted a $5 Liability for an under 18 year old who worked less than 30 hours. I can see this could be a massive headache for others that haven't picked it up sooner. Very poor on Xero behalf.
Heather Luke commented
I have a client who has made payments to U18 staff that worked less than the 30 hours. With the $450 threshold removed from 1 July this is should have been notified how to prevent.
Todd Biggs commented
Critical requirement, have paid super to several staff that were not entitled to it. Must now attempt to recover
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
Critical improvement. Please fix this, this issue is causing a lot of headache.
Daniel Ashton commented
Already cost me $1,000's in paying super unnecessarily... looking for an alternative to Xero if this can't be fixed
Finance Pizzafino commented
A big miss from Xero - must be fixed asap...
Nivia Wilson commented
Critical improvement.
Anna Colovic commented
This update is critical.
Jacqui Day commented
Very well said – you have my vote!
Ben Preston commented
I agree with the comments below. This is absolutely urgent. The current setup requires manual intervention for each payroll run so is at high risk of human error. Is this an accounting technology company or a marketing company?
Candice Siddall commented
Agree that this function is URGENTLY needed
Emily Newman commented
Important feature needed urgently.
Nishan Fernando commented
Please add this to Xero Payroll as this is a very important feature that helps to automate the pay runs.
Glenn Sommerfeld commented
For businesses that have employees that are under 18 years old. Create an automatic calculation for super guarantee for when they have worked more than 30 hours a week. This would eliminate human error with employers overpaying super to their minor employees.
Krunal Dave commented
Please add this function on URGENT BASIS.
Sally Woods commented
Please add this function as soon as possible. This is an essential feature to ensuring the accuracy of payroll data which employers would expect is already in play.
Huw Robb commented
Add a new Super Line calculation type for Under 18 Employees who now have a 30 hour super threshold. The calculation type could be driven by an IF statement attached to the hours on the pay template which inserts the statutory rate if the hours are over 30 and defaults to zero if they are not. Once they reach 18, Xero already creates an error message to remind you to swap them to the standard statutory super rate with no threshold.
Rebecca Kelly commented
Xero, this should be added as an automatic addition according to age & hours of employee.
Michelle Banks commented
Xero please get on board with this new rule regarding under 18s super. It needs to be an automated feature.
Business owners will definitely cringe at this if this is not automated
Amanda Firbank commented
I'm actually astounded that Xero currently has no capability to automate this. It's very disappointing.