Bills - Payment method shown on Bills (DD, BACS)
In ‘Bills Awaiting Payment’ it would be useful if you could assign (or at contact level) a payment method. Specifically so that anything due to be taken by DD isn’t inadvertently paid on a payment run.

Michelle Isaacs commented
Totally agree with this and have been procrastinating about it for months. This would be a great addition so when running a payable list you can quickly see what is set up via DD, S/O or needs to be paid manually.
Daniel Coates commented
Absolutely. Most accounting systems let you set the usual payment method on the supplier. Failing that set it on the invoice posting. There is no way on the payments to be made screen it should show DD payments. they should be on another tab called upcoming DD payments or some such. This is a basic feature that needs to be added. I'm talking on the awaiting payment screen, where you can select which invoices to pay and then use open banking top pay them. I don't want to be paying invoices manually that will be taken by DD there needs to be filters so you can select all non DD's to pay. Currently there is no way to distinguish the required/usual payment method of the supplier.
Elliott Honey commented
Something to show if i need to pay or it is going to be paid by Direct Debit would really be helpfully as i keep paying things that are paid by direct debit and not pay items that are not paid by direct debit.
Thank you
Michelle Bertucci commented
This or a similar function would be very useful, especially with the Go Cardless integration.
Kathryn Davies commented
be able to "Tag" payment method types on contacts to easily identify bills that will be paid by SO or DD or a "to pay" tag to make it clearer which bills need to be actioned on the aged payables reports.
Shaun Fenech commented
This would save heaps of time.
Also, Xero Staff, this should be merged with this
and the votes combined -
Lisa Height commented
This would be great! To be able to differentiate contacts that are paid by Batch payment (direct deposit), Bpay, or Direct Debit.
Jenny Sadler commented
I cant believe this doesn't exist!
Christine Catterall commented
No matter how important we (their customers) think this is, Xero won't do anything about it. They are far more concerned in making 'improvements' to things that don't need changing (e.g. invoice layout) than actually listening to suggestions from us. Not one of my requests have been dealt with, yet they continue to mess around with things that work perfectly well.
Felicia Spierings commented
Hi Xero, is there an answer to this problem yet?
Pras Ramachandra commented
Now that the supplier payments are integrated into Xero, this feature is critical as not to pick the DD invoices by accident. also convenient when they dont appear within awaiting payments section or have a filter option to exclude DD and Standing Orders
James Cope commented
We have been asking for this for years now. It is unbelievable that Xero prioritise unimportant stuff when this remains a bugbear. Please pull your fingers out! It cannot be that difficult but would save users so much time and hassle.
Matt Lowe commented
You can use Groups for this - I have groups for 15th, 20th, 25th, and Direct Debits. Assign the contact to the right group, and when you run your AP summary group by Contact Group and it separates them all.
Robert White commented
I suffix the supplier name with -BACS or -DD to help manage this, but it would be so much better to get this functionality built in.
Brendan O'Mahony commented
100% behind this. I am using a spreadsheet to track this. I woudl like to see Xero add a field in the financial details section, so it exports with Aged payables or invoices payable reports. It would also be nice to see it on 'Awaiting payment' beside due date'.
Leah Shangrow commented
Agreed, we need this feature asap because different payments methods are handled by different people within our org (cheques versus wires, for e.g.), so to have a place to immediately see how we need to pay the bill (and therefore who is responsible for paying it) is pretty critical. It's surprising Xero doesn't even have a place to record this on the contact page.
Jana Aldhaibi commented
This should be a basic feature. Can you please add this in.
Evelyn Thornton commented
Cannot believe this basic feature is not already within Xero. Please add
Dan Hippey commented
Bills to pay should feature the ability to mark bills that will be paid by Direct Debit / Standing Order but still be shown in the Bills To Pay section until the pay date is reached. Although you can mark as paid with a future date already, this bill drops off the 'Awaiting Payment' list and if the DD / SO date is slightly wrong it means sometimes you end up removing and redoing the payment.
It can be difficult if someone is unaware of the fact that the bill will automatically be paid on a future date.
Fiona Riddick commented
This would be very useful, so time consuming and risk for error is high and likely to pay a bill twice...