AU Payroll - Multiple payroll bank accounts
We need to pay two different groups of employees from two different bank accounts. Having to change the payroll settings each time I do a pay run (to change the bank account) leaves far too much room for error. Can there be an option to select which bank account you want to use for each pay group PLEASE!!?

Rebecca Flynn commented
I have 8 different 'locations' employee groups. Each needs to be paid from a different bank account via ABA. I'm currently mucking around so much to get ABA files for each location. I make mistakes all the time. Surely it can't be that hard for Xero to enable different bank accounts for different locations???
Meredith Hammond commented
To simplify payroll it would be great to be able to load more than one account for the payroll batch to be processed from. We currently pay our staff from the salaries bank Account and the Manager from the Owners Bank Account. If there was the option to nominate a different debit account this would enable my payroll to be processed as a batch. Also I would like to be able to batch a transfer for PAYG Tax and Super to go from the Salaries Account to a that bank account.
Freya Pieroz commented
It would be really great to be able to pay payroll (and associated costs) direct from the correct cost centre, instead of having to calculate every pay how much needs to be transferred from each cost centre to the account from which payroll is being paid
Natan Gomes Martins da Conceicao commented
I totally agree.
Rachael D commented
Allow organizations like us which have more than one wages expenses account to be able to override the single default wages account for paid leave in order for this to be coded automatically to our six different wages expenses accounts during payroll.
Until now we have used ordinary pay items for paid leave because there is an override capability there. The STP2 with the ATO requirement to us classify leave however has forced us out of this workaround.
Without an override, this is going to create a lot of work for us to individually journal every staff member's paid leave to their wages account.
It makes Xero look like only a solution for small business with a handful of employees all doing similar work, not a medium sized business like ours..
Rachael Williams commented
It would be nice to be able to be able to generate seperate ABA files to pay different employees from different bank accounts.
One of our clients has 3 different locations, that each have a different bank account, with several employees at each location and would like to be pay Location A's employees from Location A bank account, etc.
Currently it seems like the payrun ABA files generate useing the bank account set in the payroll organisation settings.
It would be nice to be able to either:
- choose what bank account to use when generating the ABA file, similar to how you can choose which bank account when batch paying bills.
- Set each payroll calendar to use a bank account. Eg Calendar "Weekly Location A" uses Location A Bank account, etc
- Set different bank accounts to different Tracking Catagory employee groups -
POVG Treasurer commented
Taking this a bit further, it would be helpful if the Organisation Settings were able to be applied to each calendar.
I have a similar situation where we run separate Calendars for groups of employees, and it would be great if the Liability Accounts could be applied to each Calendar and not just the expense accounts as it is now.
As it is I have to add manual journals to the PAYG and Payable accounts to split them for better reporting of the breakdown and be able to apply separate payments to the relevant Liability account.