NZ and AU Payroll - Send link for easy onboarding of new employees
Send a link to on board new employees info ie TFN, bank accounts, super account and all personal particulars to get them ready for a pay run.

Salvatore Girgenti commented
Please Xero, make employee onboarding easy - love the function of bills that can be emailed in as a draft - let's do the same with Employee details!
Katherine Redfern commented
Allow employees to submit their super & TFN details through Xero Me rather than paper form declarations.
Employee onboarding function is absolutely essential, this shouldn't have to be an add on app.
Flavia Bramley commented
I am loving Xero. However, I am also very disappointed after transitioning from MYOB to find out XERO do not have this basic function. :(
Come on guys! -
Siew Luke commented
MYOB has this functions many years ago and it is fantastic!
Gurpreet Singh commented
Unusual for MYOB to be ahead of Xero in one aspect for a change
Come on Xero, help Payroll admins out with an easy onboarding link in payroll -
Muneer Chalil Attayil-Valappil commented
This feature will be very useful as they have to fill it in a manual form and send via email. Instead, this link will be good and reduce the admin overheads and also the mistakes that are bound to happen when copying from external documents
Claire Fossilo commented
Please add the employee onboarding! Much needed.
Murray Corps commented
Why can this not be done. A complete waste. So easy to collet Employee information electronically. This is 2024!
Mark Pietsch commented
Please for the love of god, enter the modern era....
Rebecca Butterworth commented
This is so important especially as myob has it. It makes for less data entry for new employees and less errors. This is a must.
Julie BARLOW commented
Disappointed after transitioning from MYOB to find you do not have this basic function. Please prioritize ASAP
Georgina Kostakis commented
Employee Self Onboarding is URGENTLY required from Xero.
This has been on your ideas list for more than 12month!!! You are losing customers to MYOB their integration with Flare is a huge plus. -
Lynda Morgan commented
We are in the hospitality field and have a very high turnover of staff. Employee self onboarding is essential to our payroll system. It puts the onus on the employee to enter the correct tax, super and bank details which when using paper based systems can be very hard to read. It also eliminates double handling of data from our rostering system to Xero. Some idea of when this could be implemented would be greatly appreciated.
Mannions Business Services commented
Payroll features is probably the main issue holding Xero. Maintenance of payroll is a huge issue for SME's and not being able to enrol volumes of employees eg in the retail space, quickly is holding Xero back. There is also a need to improve the payroll interface, its far too clunky with too many page clicks to deep dive into needed data.
Nicole Whittaker commented
the platform is already there, just a little upgrade instead of making the reports pretty, this would be useful
Liane Coles commented
Employee Self Onboarding-ability to send a new employee and email invitation to complete their details directly into Xero (same as MYOB). Details such as:
-Emergency contact
-TFN and other relevant tax information
-Bank account details
-Superannuation details -
Ange Underwood commented
XERO - This should be a priority. You are behind in the market without this feature. If other accounting software have it like MYOB as a standard, this should already be in Beta testing. Disappointing if it is not.
It should not be that difficult to provide. You would increase your market share, if this feature was included. It is a must have for most small to medium companies with payroll admin looking to move to XERO. -
Carmen Morris commented
This is desperately needed to deal with the secure transmission of TFNs, which is highly problematic. MYOB's acquisition of Flare and integration of an onboarding feature set into the software was a great move on their part. It's essential that the payroll admin can continue editing the employee and potentially paying the employee before the employee has provided their TFN or super fund details.
Adrienne Rix commented
Unusual for MYOB to be ahead of Xero in one aspect for a change
Come on Xero, help Payroll admins out with an easy onboarding link in payroll