AU Payroll - Permission - Function to allow leave authorisers to view Leave Calendar
It would be great for those Approving Leave, to also be able to View the Leave Calendar that is currently available to Payroll Admin users in the Overview Window. Those approving leave need to know who else is on leave for the requested period, which we currently replicate in our Email Calendars, however it would be great to take this step out, it will reduce time and eliminate errors.

Victoria Baker commented
This would be a essential function to have in my business. I agree with previous comments about would be great to have implemented in the future. Owner doesn't people excluding payroll and executives to have this access due to privacy reasons.
Rehetta Holliday commented
Hi team,
Would love for this to be implemented. I have a number of team leaders requesting to see the balance of their teams leave but the executive do not want to give them access to the entire payroll function.Like with timesheet approvals, if someone has the ability to approve timesheets and leave requests, they should have the ability to see leave balances!
Cheryl Della Marta commented
I support this suggestion. I got several clients requesting this function to be added to their login.
Jenny Maguire commented
It would be great for approvers and management to see the payroll calendar without having access to confidential payroll information, is this possible?
Gemma Parker commented
It would be really useful to have a holiday calender in xero showing when employees are off and also when approving if they conflict with anyone else already off. The other issue i have with using xero as the holiday tracker is you cannot select the holiday to accrue aty the beginning of the financial year 1st April as it only gives you option of 1st jan or on employee start date. It would be great to have these features in xero.
Chris Brown commented
Payroll - Overview
Bring back the Leave/ Events mini calendar which was removed by Xero in 2024 - not sure why such a useful feature was removed.
This would show, quickly, all events and staff leave on a particular day.
Please reinstate this as the 'event view' is not helpful when dealing with multiple employees, events and leave.
Grant Walden commented
If a leave calendar could be implemented as per the suggestion so that provision can be made to view and assist with prevention of employees cross over leave periods?
Tracey Kingi commented
Payroll LEAVE calendar to be viewed by Executives/Admin users which can be integrated into outlook or other calendars. This could be then added to the dashboard of Xero where you could view the leave. This is a must for business to be able to see the movement of staff on leave.
Nicky McGregor commented
I am in Xero Payroll UK edition as an admin and leave authoriser and cannot even see the overview calendar some of you mention, which you would like all staff to see. My Payroll Overview screen looks like the attached - I cannot see a way to access an overview calendar. Am I looking in the wrong place? In asking other queries, it seems like the UK edition is not always the same as in other territories, so I wonder if this is why?
Jude Bautista commented
It is great to give someone access to be able to not just approve leave requests but in fact create leave for people. To give access to input Sick and Annual Leave for the team at their request. Approver currently only has access to approving leave and also cannot access the requested leave hours to amend them or confirm that the staff member has enough leave hours before she approves.
Ideally, I want her to have access to create leave and input the right hours and have access to all staff's leave hours too, so she knows what to approve and what to question.
Dana Simons commented
Can you make a function in Payroll to show a full calendar of when staff have submitted or approved leave to get a bigger picture of who is on leave. It could have the initials showing on the days leave is booked.
Clare Munn commented
Leave approvers should be able to see leave for their entire team, not just the individuals they have approved the leave for. If the leave request was approved by someone other than the nominated person, the leave should appear in both the approver's 'approved leave' list and the nominated person's 'approved leave' list, so they're both aware of that individual's upcoming leave. This is especially useful for staff with more than one manager and staff working across different teams.
Tracy Powell commented
As a manager who is not a Xero admin, I want to be able to see my team's available leave (annual leave, personal/carer's leave, etc) and be able to submit leave on their behalf so that I can better manage my team's leave.
Vicky Dryburgh commented
When choosing more than 1 Approver for Leave, could each of those Approvers have the ability to Approve?
Currently as soon as the first one to approve does so, it doesn't allow the other nominated approvers to also accept and approve.
It's very confusing for the approvers...
Vicky -
Peter Horder commented
Hi Elissa, have you checked out LeaveCal in the Xero App store? It will provide you with what you are looking for.