Repeating Invoices - Day/Date placeholder option
in Recurring invoices, placeholders are essential to accurate and meaningful descriptions. Placeholders seem to currently only offer Week, Month & Year but not ‘Day’ or [DATE] or [TODAY]. (with the usual +/- feature). This would be hugely helpful for recurring daily or weekly invoices or for communicating a relevant billing period on a Monthly invoice (that differs from calendar months or calendar weeks) without having to manually update the date in description of every Repeated invoice. Currently more work is required and ALL repeating invoices need manual intervention before approval whereas if this could be automated Bills could be automatically approved and sent.

Henry Jinman commented
A customer has requested for us to add service dates to the repeating invoice template. E.g. 'From [issue date] to [6 months], which we would expect to result in 'From 1st April 2025 to 30th September 2025'
Darryn Ferris commented
For sometings so critical, this has been outstanding for so long. Very easy to add a placeholder field for a date into the invoice template
Verity Schommer commented
Being able to add previous month as a placeholder would also be good. We invoice at the end of the month, but in reality don't end up emailing them out until a day (or more) into the new month, so an email that says "for work done in [Month]" always ends up wrong.
JAMIE ROWE commented
Would very helpful
Sumit Khapli commented
From my point of view, we need a placeholder for date so that we can add-subtract and provide a range in the invoice for the servicing period.
Example : Weekly invoices need a placeholder in the description saying for which week this is being invoiced for. Giving a week number is fruitless as no one in the payment team will understand this. They need a range like 04 Nov 2024 to 08 Nov 2024 or 04/11/2024 - 8/11/2024 or 4-8 Nov 2024 -
Accounts Department commented
Please create a placeholder for the last day of the current month. That way our templates will be correct whether there are 28, 30 or 31 days in the month of the invoice!
Thank you.
Derek Middleton commented
This suggestion have been helpful, but I beleive Xero should handle the Month & Year combination. Lets say I invoice on 20th December 2024, and the Reference in my Invoice needs to say "Software Subscriptions for January 2025".
I can't really use "Software Subscriptions for [Month+1] [Year]"
as 20/12/2024 would be "Software Subscriptions for January 2024"It is important that I have the correct month and year in my Reference and in the Email cover letter.
Judith Muenster commented
Please add more placeholder options. At the very least we should be able to add today's date to the recurring invoice.
This is important for rent or items billed for weekly dates. -
Darryn Ferris commented
Can we please get an update on this feature improvement. This would be a very simple addition, but make a huge improvement in administrative processing time and effort.
Rachel Smith commented
Agreed, this would make things much simpler for recurring invoices and bills.
Domagoj Filipovic commented
Please implement this.
Joanne Sherlock commented
This is exactly the info that I was after too. Why is there no (date) placeholder surely there must be a lot of people creating weekly invoices that require "W/Ending Date"
Heide Robson commented
100% agree. You offer +/- feature to weeks and months in XPM, so why not in Xero?
An example: Let's say you want to send out weekly rent invoices 14 days before the rent is due and the rent is due 14 days before the start of the actual week.
At the moment the placeholders for the description can't handle that. You have to manually adjust each repeating invoice. Would be great if you could create a placeholder [week + 14 days]
Jessie Bryant commented
Please add a placeholder for "invoice date" only "due date" available for email templates.
Accounts & Admin commented
provide placeholder for date/day because sometimes we want to show timeline for the customers
Darryn Ferris commented
This has a hugh impact on repeating invoices that we process on a daily basis. It should be quite simple to add another placeholder option to represent the Day. We already have the month and year as options. Or alternative a date option that would reflect "25th March 2024", would also work for our organisation. Having been in the IT arena for the last 40 years, this is not a complicated ask to deliver.
Greg Kelly commented
This suggestion have been helpful, but I beleive Xero should handle the Month & Year combination. Lets say I invoice on 20th December 2024, and the Reference in my Invoice needs to say "Software Subscriptions for January 2025".
I can't really use "Software Subscriptions for [Month+1] [Year]"
as 20/12/2024 would be "Software Subscriptions for January 2024"It is important that I have the correct month and year in my Reference and in the Email cover letter.
I have told from Support [Month Year+1] is not supported.
Cesar Ramos commented
I am developer and it seem to me that is very easy to implement, (taking in count that week month... etc placerhodler functionality are already codified)
Matthew Hill commented
This is critical for our business invoicing time each month could be reduced 10x if we had place holders in the description section of invoices.
jeff gillies commented
Adding a lot more placeholder options would save us a lot of time. As well as the new placeholders noted in this idea already, an [Invoice_Date +/1 no. of days) would also be very useful