UK Payroll - Report on employee information
For example, to produce a report showing employee name, job title, start date, current hours and current annual salary for pay award decisions.

Ioana Mateias commented
this is a critical report for payroll can you add this please?
Jessica Shelley commented
There's currently no payroll report that shows the employee numbers as well as employee names in Xero.
Please could we have it added to the payroll details and summary report, before we post the pay run, as when a few employees have similar names, it is easier to identify and investigate any anomalies and who they relate to, via the number not the name.
Nicola Jones commented
I can not believe there is not a report that you can run of employees with salary and start date . A very basic payroll report !!!!!!
I agree with this statement - great for checking when you have a payrise
Jenny Cameron commented
With a large payroll It is important that the reports can carry any information that has been entered in the set up e.g current position held . To allow analytical assessments to be made
Hilary Dyson commented
In addition to needing an employee detail report (a basic payroll requirement, I don't understand why it is still not available) you used to be able to see the employee leaving date on the employee history tab. This column has now been removed and replaced with the same column as on the current employee tab - next pay run date - which is totally unnecessary for former employees!
A backward step Xero
Charlotte Powell commented
I can not believe there is not a report that you can run of employees with salary and start date . A very basic payroll report !!!!!!
Mike Goodman commented
Liesl Lowes commented
Yet another problem with xero payroll... when will the developers actually listen to the payroll professionals?!
This is a basic payroll report - when will this be available Xero?
janine davison commented
This is a simple request. In this day and age I can't believe you can't run this type of report.
Xero - This must be a simple report to implement. -
Kali Byers commented
A vital report, especially as Xero do not offer a NMW Rate or Category change notification!!
Cannot believe this request has been open since Sept 2022
As a payroll agent, I have 120 clients with over 750 employees to check EACH MONTH!
Laura Nulty commented
Another easy reporting requirement for Xero to provide yet its not available. Your payroll platform is becoming unsuitable for us as we grow which is a real shame as the data is there to export you just dont provide the reports. I am starting to see our only option is to switch payroll providers due to the overall poor reporting functions
Claire Gough-Rhodes commented
This is a basic requirement, all the data is being entered to Xero yet you cannot export anything, also a unique identifier is required on any reports currently available such as Employee Number.
Stuart Hunter commented
More flexible reporting. Currently, if I want to download a report of all employee data I have to download several reports to Excel and then combine the data. It would be good if Xero had the capability to combine information such as Contact Details, Date of Birth, Salary, Job Title, Start Date, payment history for selected dates, NI Number, etc.
Anne Benison commented
There seems to be a few critical functions missing from Xero once a company grows over a small size. In the last year we have grown and are considering an alternative payroll. As a huge advocate of Xero its really disappointing to find out the Payroll lacks some functions that should be in place- Employee Numbers on all reports- to avoid errors with similar names/GDPR & ID with HMRC. A Bacs/fast payment upload that works for UK banks - having the ability to add bank accounts is worthless when they cannot be used to pay the employee. The ability to run a report for all employees that include not only contact details but employment details - rather than have to drill down when you have over 80 employees. Also it would be very useful to be able to select next to move onto the next employee.... Please :)
Stuart Neale commented
This is one thing I don't like about Xero, they make a big thing of all the new addons that most of us don't need, but don't listen to what we say when they need to fix issues with the existing program.
We use the program every day, and know what needs to change but they usually ignore what we ask for.
Gillian Robson commented
Australian Payroll - need this too
Christy Cantwell commented
I also agree this needs to available
Debbie McMillan commented
I agree, this is needed.
Mike Goodman commented
Over a year since this critical requirement was requested, and still Xero has done nothing to remedy it.
Annual salary used to appear at the top of each employee's record and whilst that was time-consuming to create a report for department heads to do salary or budget reviews, at least the information was available.
Come one Xero! Get this sorted, please!
A simple report that your IT people should be able to manage in a matter of hours. Employee Name, Employee Number, National Insurance Number, Date of Birth, Start Date, Annual Salary, Email address, Phone number........
Vicky Albury commented
This is a basic report and if you offer this in Australia and New Zealand, then surely it's a simple fix to add for UK users.
Please Xero, get this added ASAP.