Settings and activity

14 results found

  1. 1 vote
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    Anne Benison shared this idea  · 
  2. 262 votes
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    Hi everyone, we appreciate the number of users that'd like to see more mechanisms to assign and control who approves specific employee's claims.

    Our product teams have a close eye on this idea, and while this feature is not in the roadmap atm, they'll keep reviewing this as they continue to plan and prioritise work for Expenses. So, if there us any shift in status we'll share an update to keep you all informed on the idea, here.

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    Anne Benison commented  · 

    If you are really interested in becoming a market leader then you need to listen and implement requests that are marked as Critical!!!! this is a basic need in business teams and needs to be done NOW!!!

  3. 55 votes
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    Anne Benison commented  · 

    There seems to be a few critical functions missing from Xero once a company grows over a small size. In the last year we have grown and are considering an alternative payroll. As a huge advocate of Xero its really disappointing to find out the Payroll lacks some functions that should be in place- Employee Numbers on all reports- to avoid errors with similar names/GDPR & ID with HMRC. A Bacs/fast payment upload that works for UK banks - having the ability to add bank accounts is worthless when they cannot be used to pay the employee. The ability to run a report for all employees that include not only contact details but employment details - rather than have to drill down when you have over 80 employees. Also it would be very useful to be able to select next to move onto the next employee.... Please :)

    Anne Benison supported this idea  · 
  4. 2 votes
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    Anne Benison supported this idea  · 
  5. 194 votes
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    Anne Benison commented  · 

    What use is a P&L tailored to the Business if the Budget cannot reflect it? The P&L and Budget are necessary for the variance report.

    Anne Benison supported this idea  · 
  6. 14 votes
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    Anne Benison commented  · 

    UK Bank upload: Please can you sort out the Bacs/faster payment facility in Payroll? It needs to be compatible with UK Banks to avoid having to manually enter 80 payments into the bank.....please please!

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    Anne Benison commented  · 

    the BACS and faster payment templates in Payroll are not compatible with Bank Uploads, after long conversations with both the Bank & Xero support it appears that Xero have amended templates for general payments but not payroll making the product... in my opinion, inferior. If Xero only wishes to target very small employers then that's fine and I am a big fan! However surely it is only a small adjustment needed to take it to the next level??

    Anne Benison supported this idea  · 
  7. 74 votes
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    Thanks for your idea, Micaela. Expenses and Purchase Orders are quite different transactions types in Xero. 

    We try to keep one idea per thread here so we can get a true view of the interest for that specific functionality. I've slightly adjusted the title of your idea to represent Expense Claims but welcome you to start another for Purchase Orders specifically where we can track that too 🙂

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    Anne Benison commented  · 

    It makes no sense that a Manager in a medium sized company cannot receive expenses from their team to authorise before they come to us in accounts. The set up currently assumes that all employees have spending rights on their projects with no line manager approval required, and that is only the case with very small companies.

    Anne Benison supported this idea  · 
  8. 1 vote
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    Anne Benison shared this idea  · 
  9. 35 votes
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    Anne Benison supported this idea  · 
  10. 13 votes
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    Anne Benison supported this idea  · 
  11. 4 votes
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    Anne Benison supported this idea  · 
  12. 9 votes
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    Anne Benison commented  · 

    I'm a fan of importing! but not what i was posting about- its the report date criteria, that need to be looked at-
    When drilling down into the P&L/Balance Sheet - there is the option to view This Month, Last Month, Quarter etc .... but when you choose the option to view a month in isolation the Balance sheet & P&L show the months figures but once you click on a ledger balance the report automatically defaults to year to date transactions.
    I'm asking your tech team to fix it so that when you choose a month you only have the transactions from that month? I hate to state the obvious but the old reports did just that? There is the option to compare to other months and each one should just be the transactions in their respective months not all transactions to date... hopefully I am making sense.

    Anne Benison shared this idea  · 
  13. 63 votes
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    Hi everyone, right now the only way to edit a cover page in Xero is when you're publishing the report template. 

    Then you can change the Title, Date and Prepared by options. To further change the cover page, you can export the report template to a PDF file and customise it using a PDF editor. This would also be an option for editing the page numbers

    We made some changes in Report styles for our new reports in 2021, though this is only for practice users - They now have the option to choose from four font sizes, and can add a text watermark to exported draft and published reports. 

    We don't have plans to develop this functionality further in Xero atm, but we'll keep you updated if our plans change.

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    Anne Benison commented  · 

    I appreciate that all software needs to be constantly updated and although like a lot of others I am a fan of 'if it's not broken don't fix it', some of the new reports are messy and difficult to view, with a lot less structure to the old ones. That said, I do love Xero as a tool and have worked on quite a few other packages so that's a compliment & I will get used to them!

    I would ask that you to look at the Balance Sheet & P&L though; I reconcile them Sheet monthly but when i drill down into each ledger it reports for the full year.
    Balance Sheet - Choose Dates - end of May..... reconcile bank - the default gives 01.04.23-31.05.23. I should just show 01.05.23 - 31.05.23 especially if selecting 'Month' in the drop down box and have selected 'None' to compare to!
    I hope this makes sense?
    regards, AB

  14. 24 votes
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    Thanks for confirming, Andy - Really appreciate the screenshot. 🙂

    I've checked in with our Payroll team where this detail is saved.
    We appreciate wanting more options for gender when entering personal details, and in some regions such as AU & NZ this is optional.
    Currently, in order to ensure successful payroll filings with HMRC in the UK, we need to match the schema they provide. That said, our team are reassessing how this fits in Xero so I'll shift this Idea to 'under review' and can share any updates that come.

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    Anne Benison commented  · 


    I just wanted to add my support to the addition of at least a third option for gender identity; perhaps 'non-specified' could encompass all.
    We use other forms of identity for Revenue such as Name and National Insurance No. and ask for proof of those so having the decency to respect and support our employees choices seems like a good idea.