AU Payroll - Reports - Sort by First OR Surname
I would like the payroll reports to be able to be sorted by first name or last name. I sue them for a number of reporting requirements with third parties and it would make it so much easier if I was able to do this.

Jacqueline TRIMBLE commented
Please update Xero Payroll so that employees are sorted in SURNAME ORDER and not FIRST name order as is currently the case. Can you imagine what happens when you have four John's working for you. Superannuation and Tax all require SURNAME ORDER whenever reporting.
Jacqueline TRIMBLE commented
Please sort all Payroll functions (pay employees, search, reports etc.) in SURNAME ORDER. For every functions about Payroll including Taxation & Superannuation, this is normal practice to have SURNAME ORDER FIRST THEN CHRISTIAN NAMES.
Aaron Savory commented
such an easy fix for a big benefit to customers in ease of use of the software
Mandy Espiritu commented
We have 3 employees named Mary. It doesn't sort them in ANY order.
Kim Ly commented
This is super important when you have more than 30 or 40 employees. It is much easier to sort by surname than first name. or have an option to choose either one.
Michael Atkin commented
I believe that this is a must, and an easy fix for Xero - please could we have employees in alphabetical order of their surname? This is such a basic requirement. I have spent my whole accounting / payroll career using surnames in alphatecal order, that it came as such a culture shock not to be able to do so in Xero - I very nearly didn't subscribe to the payroll module, and I may yet cancel it.
Fastgrass Limited commented
Would make entering wages into the bank much easier
Peter Hickey commented
A superannuation accrual report listed in alphabetical order of surname (not first name) would mean the list of employees would be the same as listed on the ATO superannuation payment site and would greatly reduce risk of errors.
The option to produce a summary of superannuation accrued (ie total amount) for each employee for a given period (rather than listing each payment, followed by a total) would also be greatly useful - simpler and less error risk.