Xero Me - Clock in and clock out on timesheets
Xero Me - Needs spot in App to input the Earnings Rate and Tracking Category for the employee. Needs a start/stop button for clocking in/out so that when the employee starts the day they simply press start and the app records the time started. When they press stop it records the stop time until the start time is pressed again. This can be used for breaks and for start and finish of the day - these can be edited if someone forgets. Currently you have to type in times and this can only be done at the end of the day or any day but you cant put a start time without entering an end time which isnt good as people can make errors or lie about their start times.

Christopher Haubrich commented
I cant understand why xero me doesnt has a std Kiosk sign in and sign out feature so employees sign in and out at the end of the shift with out needing the use of a smart phone.
Just a centrally mounted ipad on the wall, like the old fashioned time clock systems no complex at all -
Christine Dall'Alba commented
I support all the previous comments, with a mobile workforce GPS tracking separate start time and end time seems a logical feature given this is a mobile app on phones. Critical improvement, please action it asap.
Cheri Doyle commented
Need clock in and clock out and GPS so we know where this is being done-critical for my employees
Nicholas nikosmichalakis60@gmail.com commented
I agree.
It would be handy if the XERO ME app allowed employees to submit their start time at start time and then the end time at end time - it seems to be that staff login to the app and can not seem to login in and then at the end of the shift log off, so effectively they need to remember the exact start and end time and log it at the end if the shift .
Brett West commented
Sadly the subscription to software makes our expectations of a polished and refined product higher, and when it does not meet expectation, it unreasonably damages our respect for what is really good in the product. This is no such case, as the lack of functionality is unreasonable in such a good product. Remember the dark ages when there were clock cards, then came Xero where staff manually enter times into a time sheet so it could become even more backward. So many apps and other applications have clock on / off shift and breaks, it seems odd that Xero is still in the dark on this one. Please engage to create a clock on / off app for staff to use for automatic time sheet creation. It would be accurate and automated. Mmmm, just like reconcilliation page, it would be awesome and it would keep everyone interacting with Xero as their go to place.
Diane Borys commented
This is such a simple function - I'm baffled why any time keeping solution wouldn't offer this as a base fundamental in time keeping.
Irina Laravita commented
Contract business can not operate with out clock in / click out and preferably location tracker
Lisa Campbell commented
I agree with the clock in/out and lunch breaks.
Frances Refalo commented
This is a great idea, it should also have a GPS tracker so when you press the start and stop button it also registered where you are doing this from.
This is critical to my clients.
Administrator Xero commented
The new start and end times for Xero Me are fantastic, it's exactly what I've been needing to convince clients to start using the app in favour of their old xcell spreadsheets to track hours.
My request is this: can you implement a method of entering the start and end time of a shift independently? As the app stands currently, it seems like an employee needs to enter their start and end times simultaneously, meaning employees have to keep record of when they start each shift.
It would be great if there was a way for employees to 'clock in' using the app at the start of the day and then 'clock out' at the end of their shift - similar to the system used by the Deputy app, which I can say from first hand experience is incredibly helpful in ensuring that employees record their time accurately. -
Daniel Sumner commented
I am happy for them to add start and finish times as we track another way
Definitely think having a lunch time dedication setting in office would be great and and also auto calculate 1.5x and 2x based on office settings
having RDO abililty too wold be amazing
Kevin Bednarz commented
instead of having to manually input the clock in/off time, just do it at the press of a button.
It should be synced to the time & date on the users phone.
Xero me is way too easy to exploit the way it is now.
There should also be a section where admin can set unpaid time (lunch) so staff member doesn't have to. -
Daniel Sumner commented
new clock on and off feature is great - would be great to be able to control this from office payroll admin settings. So that all or selected staff must do it this way.