Expenses - Multiple levels of approval
We need to upload an Approval Matrix/Approval hierarchy with a scope depending on "Location" and "Total amount" with 2 levels of approvers for "Expense claims" (EC) & "Purchase Orders" (PO).
With that, we are looking for automation on sending the EC & PO automatically by the system to the correspondent Approver depending on the scope through email.

Thanks for your idea, Micaela. Expenses and Purchase Orders are quite different transactions types in Xero.
We try to keep one idea per thread here so we can get a true view of the interest for that specific functionality. I've slightly adjusted the title of your idea to represent Expense Claims but welcome you to start another for Purchase Orders specifically where we can track that too 🙂
Helen Ding commented
This is very important to us as well. We need two approvers to approve bills and purchase orders.
Kevin Hurd commented
this is a basic feature. what is the ETA on this?
Dean Griffin commented
This is a massive requirement for us, we have varying levels of approvers in the business, and lower level managers can see higher level managers expenses. We need to be able to give approvers rules as to which other employees expenses they can view
Ana Luisa Reyes Hermosilla commented
this would help us, without doubts to be more efficient.
Vicki Bishop commented
this is important
Tyran Powell commented
I googled to try and find how to set this up after an employee erroneously claimed expenses that were actually paid by the company card. How is this not already a thing?!
Craig Keith commented
Line manager approval is fundamental to any employee expense process and I'm dismayed that Xero haven't come up with a solution.
We will not sign up to Xero Expenses until I can assign a specific approver to each user, or until Xero enable Expenses to be approved by a third party app such as ApprovalMax.
Very disappointing.
Katie White commented
Is there any idea when this will be implemented? This is something that is becoming vital for our business to allow us to continue using Xero Expenses.
Morris Mac Donagh commented
This is basic stuff and along with multi user approval (different approvers for different employees) still cannot believe it hasn't been implemented.. Come on Xero sort it out
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
Ability to have two people to approve expenses.
Purpose: This is to make sure that expenses are checked thoroughly.