AU Payroll - Option to select non reportable allowance
Could Xero start looking at a drop down box on the allowance to have one as Not Reportable (alongside the other catagories eg. Meals, Tools, Car), and to have it out for STP reporting? or another checkbox down the bottom along with the withholding tax, super, and W1 questions?
Instead of going through the long winding process of creating an ordinary earning, remove as deduction and do a reimbursement as per

Barry White commented
Paula Wyeth commented
Not reportable would be helpful for Overnight Travel Under ATO Limit. MYOB has an option for a pay item to not report through STP.
Lisa Height commented
Completely agree - this process just doesnt seem to make sense from the employers or the employees point of view. You also cant put units or rates against reimbursements meaning manual calculations, unclear reporting and room for error.
Tanya Meldrum commented
I agree. Creating a non-reportable allowance through a reimbursement item is just not correct. And of course, it shows up in the reimbursements section of the payslip. No, just no.
Denise Waechter commented
It would good for xero to have a non-reportable Allowance Option. Using reimbursements is definitely against the grain of what the ATO say a reimbursement is. Reimbursements require receipts to substantiate the payment.
Lissa Burton commented
I strongly agree, you need an easily pick non-reportable in the payroll categories. Processing a non-reportable allowance as a reimbursement seems totally wrong.
Julie Slade commented
Pay an Employee for a pay item that won't appear on their income statement and isn't included for STP. eg The Overnight Travel Allowance equal to or below the ATO reasonable amount. Can't it be set up as an pay item with a box to check - Do not include in Income Statement. Having to process this as a reimbursement means having to calculate the amount to be paid for each pay run.