Bills - Email to bills without requiring it to be an attachment
Often companies email invoices but they aren't a PDF - just an email.
So you have to print the email as a PDF - then send to Xero Bills.
It would be good if you could just send through the email invoice (no PDF) to Xero Bills and it was processed without being a PDF.

Hi team, you may have read that we're doing some work in the accounts payable space atm and one feature that will help here is the ability to upload bills directly to Xero - Read more on our blog
I'll be back to confirm once this is available to all
Jeremy Worthington commented
This is becoming increasingly frequent (bill content in an HTML email not as a pdf attachment). Hubdoc can read email content, so bringing that capability into bill processing should be achievable.
Benjamin Sewell commented
There are some companies that invoice in emails, without attachments. At present, to add these to bills, they need screenshotting and then entering or forwarding to the bills ingest email.
Instead it would be good if the body of the email were scanned when there is no attachment.