Contacts - Attach file to contact from file library
Can I also please say, how frustrating it is that you can not now attach a file to a contact from the file library. This is how we have always attached our end of month creditor statements, that are emails to us, we have always forwarded these directly the file library, re name as required and then attach to the contact from the file library when completing the checking process for each creditor. This now will mean that statements can not be forwarded directly from the creditor email but will have to now be saved into a PC desktop file and then attached to each contact from here, creating an additional step in the process and using up extra PC storage space, which was previously avoided.

Hi team, we've now released the ability to upload files directly from your computer to a contacts record! As noted in our last update, you'll find;
- The file library uploader option is now back on the Files tab of the Contact overview
- We display all files (including previously attached ones) allowing you to attach a file to multiple documents (e.g. Contact, Invoices…)
- We've enabled the ability to add multiple files from file library in one go
Thanks again for all your feedback around this and we appreciate you staying tuned to the idea here. 🙂
Robert Dennes commented
Good to hear that its being corrected with a future update - would be good to know a timescale on this.
Why does Xero rely on this forum of users to be its software troubleshooter to fix issues after an "upgrade".
Please Xero - get a proper user group together - or at the very least make sure any upgrade does not remove functionality -
No matter how irrelevant to a software developer a piece of functionality is - you can be guaranteed someone is using that service - it will always be a problem if removed
Ayman Hirji commented
I echo the sentiments here, please re instate this function as a matter of importance in order that relevant documentation can be recorded and viewed for each creditor.
Thank you. Hoping for some good news on this one. -
Katherine Morrow commented
We were saving project contracts to a 'Contracts' folder in Xero Files, and then linking the file to the Contact.
This was so the contract could be found on the Contact page, and all contracts could be grouped together in the Xero Files folder.Please put the feature back.
Chris Newman commented
Ridiculous feature to remove. I do wonder who makes these decisions and on what basis. Workflow is made more cumbersome and slower. Who has a feature that makes a process worse than it was?
Jenny Draper commented
Can we please. please, please enable the items in the FILES AREA to be LINKED to a client card please!!
This feature was somehow stupidly removed., and has caused soooooo much extra work for us, and we now can not effectively follow out work processes, and invoices and items are being duplicated and MISSED,
This is a FEATUre taht WAS used, so why oh why was it REMOVED??????
Jackie Johnson commented
Yes this is very frustrating! I dont just want it on a sales invoice .... I need it in the Contacts file!
And crazy how I just see ... attach file here but i dont know in the contacts -
Kieran Bell commented
I agree would love to be able to attach an IR330c against each contractor. Definitely functionality that needs to be added.
Dianne Tait commented
So frustrating to loose this function! Please reinstate it!
Jayne Lloyd-Woods commented
OMG - i have now learnt the function to attach a file from inbox to contact is gone i now have 3 months documents which have been emailed there, to down load, rename, upload, delete... who the f**k thought of this stupid update. Hours of work now incurred. Why have beautiful software when it stops doing what it has been doing with no notice, rather have ugly reliable software....PLEASE PUT THE FUNCTION BACK
Freya Pieroz commented
My clients have set up autoforwarding from their accounts email address to the Xero inbox, to make attaching files to the relevant piece of information much easier. Because we can't attach files to contacts any more, the process has gone to:
- look in inbox, rename file
- download file to desktop
- upload file to contact
- delete file from desktop
- archive or delete file from inboxOver half these steps are unnecessary, and did not exist before this regressive update.
Kirsty Iovino commented
This is a very frustrating change to your system that we can no longer attach documents to contacts from the file library. Not sure why you would remove this feature ??
Sharryn Carey-Nicholls commented
Please reinstall
Andrew Nicholls commented
Very important for our workflow.
Corneil Du Plessis commented
Please reinstall this function - it is critical to our business
Hannah Carson commented
Please don't fix what isn't broken. We use this feature, and it will be a huge shame to lose it.
Brian OShannassy commented
This is such a critical feature that Xero has removed - by doing so, not only are users becoming less efficient, but can also loose documents in future if someone accidently removes the document from the folder as Xero does not keep files that are not uploaded from the Xero library should transactions being removed and redo - please bring this feature back - it is very very important to have this back
John OShannassy commented
This is a very important feature for our business. Its these little things that make you want to look elsewhere for other accounting software.
Corneil du Plessis commented
I think Xero is loosing the plot - they are taking away features that worked so well in the past - I have no idea why they are changing features that worked
Lisa Barnett commented
absolutely - this is so frustrating - I forward emails direct to xero inboxes and then when I work through them I find I have to save as and then go and find them from contacts so I can attach them = so time consuming
Rachel Moore commented
Absolutely agree with this! It's counterproductive to remove this key feature that integrates with xero files. Please reinstate this xero!