Xero - Option to flag a performance issue without having to raise a support case
I would like to be able to flag or log a Xero issue, without having to raise a case.
Sometimes my colleagues and I are having the same issue at the same time with Xero. Eg. Dashboard not displaying correctly, unable to change organisation from the dropdown menu. But when we go to https://status.xero.com/ everything is showing as "Operational".
An option of being able to click onto a region; setting; choose the issue would be great. That means that Xero could be alerted quickly if there is a wider issue, or if it's an isolated issue.

Hi everyone, we appreciate wanting to help Xero identify and raise issues asap. While we may consider changes to this overtime, to be upfront there are no immediate plans for changing the current method to raise these sort of issues with us. There are a number of troubleshooting steps our specialists will work through with a customer to rule out external factors that could be impacting your experience with Xero, and they'll get the right detail to investigate, triage and escalate if the cause does appear to stem from within the product.
One area we know customers can commonly run into trouble with is bank feeds, and we do have work going on atm to enable customers to send us an alert if they are experiencing trouble with a bank accounts feed from within their organisation. You can stay up to date with progress for this, on this idea.
We'll update you if there are any wider plans made for changes to communicating issues with Xero. For now, please do continue to reach out by raising a case with our Xero Support team on Xero Central.
Leeann Redman commented
Ability to 'quickly' report Xero Platform Issue
Currently it is necessary for users to log into Xero Support to submit details of platform issues.
I would like to see the ability to immediately report the issue via the Xero Status Page.
As a bookkeeper, I work on Xero for a huge percentage of my day, and when I encounter an issue, what I need to know is that Xero are aware of the issue. I trust that once they know there is an issue that they will deal with it as soon as they can do so. I find 'raising a case' via Xero Support a very cumbersome process.There could be a 'report user issue' button on the Status Page, and a drop down menu to indicate what the problem was. If this was easy to use, and users were encouraged to use it this would provide Xero with platform issues in live time.
David S commented
No access to XERO whatsoever. July 31st 2024.
Melanie Hatch commented
Hi Team
It seems Xero has crashed. There was an error as I was working and it will not allow login. Get to the point of notification sent to phone but continues to an error meesage.
Kylie Herrick commented
How on earth does a user report an outage or get a message through to the Xero support team? I'd really like to pay my employees today, but alas, there's a payroll outage that is not showing on Xero's status board and no way to notify them of it. How is this an effective system?
Heather Palmer commented
I have a shortcut that I created on my desktop with this link
https://status.xero.com/ -
Hollie Williams commented
A 'Report an outage' feature would be great to alert the Xero Support team to any smaller or not so common issues using Xero. Currently we can only search topics or raise a case.
A quick function to report an outage would mean Xero support are more aware of things that aren't working correctly and do not have to wait until multiple people check the Xero status page.
Eg: Today I have encountered Workpapers are not allowing new workpaper packs to be created. Existing workpapers are not affected.
I checked with other team members and they have the same problem.
Xero status shows no issues with any products yet I am having an issue. I have raised a case in hopes it can be corrected shortly.If I could report this to Xero Support, they would be alerted more quickly to smaller issues
Alicia Thompson commented
It would be great if you could click a button or something on the xero status webpage if you had found an outage. Otherwise it takes more time for this to be identified and corrected.