Settings and activity
38 results found
29 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
170 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
153 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
41 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
28 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
31 votes
Thanks for your idea, Sarah - We'll get a sense of the interest here.
Perhaps in the meantime you could look to use the Archive and restore options for an account in your chart of accounts as a way of managing this?
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
56 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
67 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
57 votes
Hi everyone, I appreciate feelings shared in not seeing traction as fast as you'd like to ideas you're interested across Xero Product Ideas.
Our community team are pure advocates for our customers ideas internally, making sure these are shared and highlighted to the teams and individuals that can make a difference, and doing our best to get ideas reviewed and into our teams planning wherever possible.
We receive ideas for incremental, and large changes to existing products, as well as for new features entirely. With so many customers the range of ideas coming from our users is large, and we cannot action all things at once.
We try to be transparent in our communication and updates to ideas across the site, even if this means there is no current development planned for a feature.
I can assure you the site here is a tool that all our product teams find…
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
75 votes
Appreciate the idea here - Being transparent, developing granular permissions or roles for every feature and action throughout Xero is not in our plans.
Understanding more of the permission sets majority of users need, will help understand where the biggest impact could be made.
I've slightly adjusted the title to suit the needs of the role you mentioned. We'll get a sense of others that'd like this too.
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
376 votes
Hi community, thank you for your engagement and sharing how you'd like us to evolve roles for customers using Xero. User roles impact all areas of the product, there are many considerations we must factor in when assessing how to solve for majority of our customers needs - As you can see there is a large range of ideas for different roles shared by customers in Product Ideas.
We’re conducting research on the current landscape and how we might approach some of the most predominant needs in roles for our customers. To be upfront, the discovery of this work will be long running and there'll be multiple phases of research and forms of engagement with users that’ll help shape the path ahead in this space.
We’d like to invite you, our community to be part of this research and discovery. This may involve interviews and sharing further feedback through direct…Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
178 votes
Hi everyone, while we don't have a direct report for this, some changes we've made to History & Notes in Xero will help in achieving what you're in need of here.
You can run the History & Notes, filtering by Type = Contact and typing 'Bank account number' in the Search to just view results for this action.
If needed you'll be able to export your results to PDF or Excel.
Though the contact name doesn't show on screen, you can right click on the Contact in the report to open the contact's record in a new browser tab, that allows you to inspect details without navigating away from your History & Notes results.
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
135 votes
Hi all, we appreciate this idea has picked up a good amount of interest. This has all been shared with and considered by our product teams.
As the Contacts screen interacts with many other parts of Xero, this work can not commence until the modernisation of other, related systems is complete.
Due to this, we do not expect account numbers to be automatically generated for contacts to be delivered in the coming short-term.
In the meantime however, we're keen to continue collecting feedback and votes on this idea, and we will provide an update here when there's more details to share.
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
451 votes
Thanks for all your input and sharing how we can improve Xero's user roles to cater for the needs of your business and staff you'd like to provide this access for.
As you may have seen in other ideas we've been conducting some research into user roles across all of Xero. As a step on from this, one of our teams are beginning a deeper dive into solving this idea here and enabling more roles access to Products & services (Inventory) in Xero.
While this may take sometime to accomplish we wanted to provide an update to you all interested in this, and we'll keep you informed of further progress as the team begin looking into it.
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
70 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
202 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
154 votes
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
296 votes
We thank you all for sharing in the idea here, and understand there are many permissions that our Xero customers would like to provide on a more incremental basis. As you'll all know access to bank accounts is available to users with Adviser, Standard or limited access to those with Read Only roles - You can see more of the breakdown in our article here
With much of the teams resource drawn to work on the platform that'll continue to help us with the 'building on beautiful' experience for our customers we want to be upfront that there are no direct plans for altering the user permissions in this space just yet.
User roles and individual permissions within a bank account will be in the limelight once much of the platform upgrades are complete, but this is some way off atm. We'll return to share when there's any…
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
149 votes
We appreciate the interest gathered on this idea, everyone. At this time we don't have any immediate changes planned for lock dates, but as we continue to develop parts of Xero this is something we'll consider as a possible enhancement for lock dates. If there's any news I'll be sure to update you here.
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·
92 votes
Hi team, to share your feedback with the right teams and individuals can you please explain the screens/pages in Xero you'd find this particularly useful?
Trudy Renner Falconer supported this idea ·